我正在通过 Eclipse IDE 处理 Java 数据库连接。我通过 Ubuntu Terminal 建立了一个数据库,我需要连接并使用它。但是,当我只是将“mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar”添加到项目库中时,我没有得到项目输出,但显示了以下输出,任何人都知道这是什么以及我如何可以从我的项目中获得输出吗?
<PropertyCategory name="Connection/Authentication">
<Property name="user" required="No" default="" sortOrder="-2147483647" since="all">
The user to connect as
<Property name="password" required="No" default="" sortOrder="-2147483646" since="all">
The password to use when connecting
<Property name="socketFactory" required="No" default="com.mysql.jdbc.StandardSocketFactory" sortOrder="4" since="3.0.3">
The name of the class that the driver should use for creating socket connections to the server. This class must implement the interface 'com.mysql.jdbc.SocketFactory' and have public no-args constructor.
<Property name="connectTimeout" required="No" default="0" sortOrder="9" since="3.0.1">
Timeout for socket connect (in milliseconds), with 0 being no timeout. Only works on JDK-1.4 or newer. Defaults to '0'.