我正在尝试编写我们遇到的各种医学图像格式的通用阅读器。我想,让我们向专业人士学习,然后去模仿 PIL 通用读取文件的方式(“Python Imaging Library”,格式)。

据我了解,PIL 有一个开放函数,可以循环遍历可能的接受函数列表。当一个工作时,它使用相关的工厂函数来实例化适当的对象。


pluginID = []     # list of all registered plugin IDs
OPEN = {}         # plugins have open and (maybe) accept functions as a tuple

_initialized = False

import os, sys

def moduleinit():
    '''Explicitly initializes the library.  This function 
    loads all available file format drivers.

    This routine has been lifted from PIL, the Python Image Library'''

    global _initialized
    global pluginID
    if _initialized:

    visited = {}

    directories = sys.path

        directories = directories + [os.path.dirname(__file__)]
    except NameError:

    # only check directories (including current, if present in the path)
    for directory in filter(isDirectory, directories):
        fullpath = os.path.abspath(directory)
        if visited.has_key(fullpath):
        for file in os.listdir(directory):
            if file[-19:] == "TestReaderPlugin.py":
                f, e = os.path.splitext(file)
                    sys.path.insert(0, directory)
                    try: # FIXME: this will not reload and hence pluginID 
                        # will be unpopulated leading to "cannot identify format"
                        __import__(f, globals(), locals(), [])
                        del sys.path[0]
                except ImportError:
                    print f, ":", sys.exc_value
        visited[fullpath] = None

    if OPEN:
        _initialized = True
        return 1

class Reader:
    '''Base class for image file format handlers.'''
    def __init__(self, fp=None, filename=None):

        self.filename = filename

        if isStringType(filename):
            import __builtin__
            self.fp = __builtin__.open(filename) # attempt opening

        # this may fail if not implemented
        self._open() # unimplemented in base class but provided by plugins

    def _open(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "StubImageFile subclass must implement _open"

# this is the generic open that tries to find the appropriate handler
def open(fp):
    '''Probe an image file

    Supposed to attempt all opening methods that are available. Each 
    of them is supposed to fail quickly if the filetype is invalid for its 
    respective format'''


    moduleinit() # make sure we have access to all the plugins

    for i in pluginID:
            factory, accept = OPEN[i]
            if accept:
                fp = accept(fp)
                # accept is expected to either return None (if unsuccessful) 
                # or hand back a file handle to be used for opening                                 
                if fp:
                    return factory(fp, filename=filename) 
        except (SyntaxError, IndexError, TypeError): 
                pass # I suppose that factory is allowed to have these 
                # exceptions for problems that weren't caught with accept()
                # hence, they are simply ignored and we try the other plugins

    raise IOError("cannot identify format")

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plugin registry

def register_open(id, factory, accept=None):
    OPEN[id] = factory, accept

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal:

# type stuff
from types import  StringType

def isStringType(t):
    return isinstance(t, StringType)

def isDirectory(f):
    '''Checks if an object is a string, and that it points to a directory'''
    return isStringType(f) and os.path.isdir(f)

幕后的重要一点是在第一次尝试打开文件(moduleinit)时注册所有格式插件。每个符合条件的插件都必须位于可访问的路径中并命名为 *TestReaderPlugin.py。它将(动态)导入。每个插件模块都必须调用一个 register_open 来提供一个 ID、一个创建文件的方法和一个接受函数来测试候选文件。


import TestReader

def _accept(filename):
    # we made it here, so let's just accept this format
    return fp

class exampleTestReader(TestReader.Reader):

    def _open(self):
        self.data = self.fp.read()

TestReader.register_open('example', exampleTestReader, accept=_accept)

TestReader.open() 是用户将使用的函数:

import TestReader
a=TestReader.open(filename) # easy

那么 - 问题出在哪里?首先,我仍在寻找pythonic方式。是这个吗?我怀疑它的理由是 moduleinit 阶段的魔法看起来很混乱。它是直接从 PIL 复制的。主要问题:如果您重新加载(TestReader),它将全部停止工作,因为 ID 被初始化为 [],但插件不会重新加载。

1. 允许对所有格式进行简单的 open(filename) 调用,
2. 只需要为您想要的任何格式提供很好封装的插件。
3. 可以重装吗?


1 回答 1



  1. 使用“窥视”到缓冲区的概念来测试是否有您可以理解的数据数据。
  2. 知道导入器的名称是用户不想知道的(如果您有 100 个导入器怎么办)使用“外观”接口medicimage.open(filepath)
  3. 要进行重新加载,您必须实现一些逻辑,那里有一些关于如何实现这一点的例子
于 2011-03-30T17:54:30.367 回答