好的,伙计们,我之前使用过 .on 非常成功,但是,这次它没有按预期工作,因为它根本无法识别动态元素!
<div class='edit-item'><a name='"+$id+"' href='#add-asset-"+status+"' class='edit'></a></div>
我要调用的 javascript 在下面。请注意,它确实适用于页面加载,而不适用于任何动态。我错过了什么?
$(".edit-item .edit").on('click', function(){
return false;
afterClose: function(){
//we have to remove this class so that if someone tries to add a new asset it will use the
//add script and not the update script
//We need to set the values back to empty so that they aren't prepopulated when someone
//tries to add an asset later.
$(".asset-form :input[name='type']").val("");
$(".asset-form :input[name='year']").val("");
$(".asset-form :input[name='quantity']").val("");
$(".asset-form :input[name='ounces']").val("");
$(".asset-form :input[name='paid']").val("");
$(".asset-form :input[name='date']").val("");
$(".asset-form :input[name='notes']").val("");
//we remove the hidden field that passes the asset id.
$(".asset-form :input[name='editId']").remove();
}//end afterClose
}); //end edit fancybox
}); //end each
$(".note-img").on('click', function(){
return false;
<a href='#note-"+$id+"' class='note-img'></a><div class='note' id='note-"+$id+"'>"+$notes+"</div>