我已经经历了几个线程,一切似乎都措辞正确......但我的 output_01 返回错误。似乎内联程序集正在向我的变量写入零……我只是不知道为什么。下面是调用程序集的主 c 文件中的代码,以及它调用的程序集(并在头文件中抛出,虽然我不认为它有任何影响......但魔鬼在细节中...... 。正确的?


#include stdio.h
#include "lab.h"

int output_01();

int main()
  printf("Starting exercise lab_01:\n");
    printf("lab_01: Successful!");
    printf("lab_01: Failed!");
  return 0;

int output_01()
  int eax=0;
  int edx=0;
  int ecx=0;

  asm("call lab_01;"
      "mov %0, eax;"
      "mov %1, edx;"
      "mov %2, ecx;"
      :"r" (eax), "r" (edx), "r" (ecx)
  if(eax==3 && edx==1 && ecx==2)
    printf("\teax = %i\n",eax);
    printf("\tedx = %i\n",edx);
    printf("\tecx = %i\n",ecx);
    return 1;
    printf("\teax = %i\n",eax);
    printf("\tedx = %i\n",edx);
    printf("\tecx = %i\n",ecx);
    return 0;


BITS 32         ;you must specify bits mode
segment .text   ;you must specify a section
GLOBAL lab_01, labSize_01
        ;the following registers have the following values:
        ;eax = 1
        ;edx = 2
        ;ecx = 3
        ;Make it so that the registers have the following values, using only the allowed opcodes and registers:
        ;eax = 3
        ;edx = 1
        ;ecx = 2
        ;Allowed registers: eax,ebx,ecx,edx
        ;Allowed opcodes: mov, int3
        ;Non volatile registers: ebp, ebx, edi, esi
        ;Volatile registers: eax, ecx, edx
        ;Forbidden items: immediate values, memory addresses
        ;;;;;;;;;;;;; EXERCISE SETUP CODE - DO NOT TOUCH
        int3 ;make it 'easier' to debug
        push ebx; this is to save ebx onto the stack.
        mov eax, 1
        mov edx, 2
        mov ecx, 3
        ;;;;;;;;;;;;; YOUR CODE BELOW
        ;int3 ;make it 'easier' to debug
        mov ebx, eax ;hold 1
        mov eax, ecx ;eax is set 3
        mov ecx, edx ;ecx is set to 2
        mov edx, ebx ;edx is set to 1
        int3 ;make it 'easier' to debug
        ;;;;;;;;;;;;; YOUR CODE ABOVE
        pop ebx;
labSize_01 dd $-lab_01 -1

实验室.h 文件:

extern int lab_01();

1 回答 1


您仅将寄存器列为输入。你根本没有输出。正确的 asm 是:

asm("call lab_01;"
      : "=a" (eax), "=d" (edx), "=c" (ecx)
于 2017-01-13T18:42:40.293 回答