@DavidArenburg 提出了一些替代方案。这是对它们的简单基准测试。
n <- 100
dat <- tibble(a = rep(c(1, 2, NA), n), b = rep(c(1, 1, NA), n))
f1 <- function(dat) {
na <- dat %>%
rowwise() %>%
do(tibble(na = !all(is.na(.)))) %>%
filter(dat, na)
f2 <- function(dat) {
dat %>% filter(rowSums(is.na(.)) != ncol(.))
f3 <- function(dat) {
dat %>% filter(rowMeans(is.na(.)) < 1)
f4 <- function(dat) {
dat %>% filter(Reduce(`+`, lapply(., is.na)) != ncol(.))
f5 <- function(dat) {
dat %>% mutate(indx = row_number()) %>% gather(var, val, -indx) %>% group_by(indx) %>% filter(sum(is.na(val)) != n()) %>% spread(var, val)
# f1 is too slow to be included!
microbenchmark(f2 = f2(dat), f3 = f3(dat), f4 = f4(dat), f5 = f5(dat))
> microbenchmark(f2 = f2(dat), f3 = f3(dat), f4 = f4(dat), f5 = f5(dat))
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
f2 909.495 986.4680 2948.913 1154.4510 1434.725 131159.384 100
f3 946.321 1036.2745 1908.857 1221.1615 1805.405 7604.069 100
f4 706.647 809.2785 1318.694 960.0555 1089.099 13819.295 100
f5 640392.269 664101.2895 692349.519 679580.6435 709054.821 901386.187 100
使用更大的数据集107,880 x 40
dat <- diamonds
# Let every third row be NA
dat[seq(1, nrow(diamonds), 3), ] <- NA
# Add some extra NA to first column so na.omit() wouldn't work
dat[seq(2, nrow(diamonds), 3), 1] <- NA
# Increase size
dat <- dat %>%
bind_rows(., .) %>%
bind_cols(., .) %>%
bind_cols(., .)
# Make names unique
names(dat) <- 1:ncol(dat)
microbenchmark(f2 = f2(dat), f3 = f3(dat), f4 = f4(dat))
> microbenchmark(f2 = f2(dat), f3 = f3(dat), f4 = f4(dat))
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
f2 34.60212 42.09918 114.65140 143.56056 148.8913 181.4218 100
f3 35.50890 44.94387 119.73744 144.75561 148.8678 254.5315 100
f4 27.68628 31.80557 73.63191 35.36144 137.2445 152.4686 100