Hey everyone. I have a fair amount of experience developing iOS apps, but nothing much with web/server interacting apps. For a project at work, I am making an app that will let you login, and get pictures off from a server that will then be downloaded for display and review on the local device.

I need to get some pointers on the correct approach to take. Are there built-in classes that make doing something like this easy? Once the cogent is downloaded from the server, it will be viewed locally, so all I need is to get a point in the right direction for logging in and communicating with a server…from an iPhone.

Can anybody point me in the right direction?


2 回答 2


我,我正在使用ASIHTTPRequest Librayry与 Internet 进行通信/下载。

例如,对于一个新闻应用程序,我以 JSON 格式下载最新消息(在 Web 服务器上使用 PHP 脚本)并使用 SQLite 存储数据。如果您需要对 iPhone 的 JSON 进行一点解释,请查看此处(法语,但源代码为英语 ^^)

当我需要下载图像时,我使用 ASIHTTPRequest 和队列来避免同时下载很多文件。


祝你好运 !

于 2010-09-20T21:18:48.217 回答

NURLConnection 是你的朋友,还有它的委托方法。

不要被使用 -sendSynchronous 方法的诱惑所诱惑(现在我想起来了,如果你需要身份验证,你可能无论如何都不能使用)。

于 2010-09-20T21:31:12.763 回答