I have created a VM for a mean stack. The install of which went with no issues. node.js and others have been installed.

I am using angular-fullstack to generate a boiler plate. I am baffled by what happens when npm install is run. I see that the system downloading all the dependencies but it's not stored in node_modules folder. I believe it's being stored in the global folder. When I try to run the stack from the local folder it says missing dependencies of almost everything.

I tried sudo, fixing permissions of global folder adding global folder to NODE_PATH but to no avail. I m still trying to figure why npm install is not installing in the local folder.



This is the error i am getting when i run npm isntall

ERR! Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, rename '/vagrant/meandev/nal_angular_dashboard/node_modules/babel-plugin-transform-es2015-typeof-symbol' -> '/vagrant/meandev/nal_angular_dashboard/node_modules/.babel-plugin-transform-es2015-typeof-symbol.DELETE'


2 回答 2


Uma,我已经在我的机器 angular-fullstack 生成器上成功安装,除了一些 ruby​​ 和 sass 问题之外,我还成功地启动了应用程序。

node_modules 由生成器安装在主项目文件夹中……服务器(nodejs)和客户端应用程序(angularjs)共享的那个。

于 2016-03-20T14:27:43.983 回答



在 Virtual box 中运行的 Windows 7 主机和 Ubuntu。Ubuntu 由 Vagrant 提供和管理。

我发现当 Node.js 项目位于共享文件夹中(在 Windows 和 Ubuntu 之间)时,npm install 和 grunt 会抛出一堆与权限相关的错误。这是特定于我的工作计算机的,它打开了防御者、bitlocker 和其他东西。当我将文件夹移动到纯 UBuntu 文件夹时,一切正常。

于 2016-03-23T02:34:44.370 回答