我正在尝试为 Spartan-S6 系列 FPGA 使用 VHDL 流程制作 DNA 阅读器模块。问题是我的代码无法合成。它适用于模拟,但在合成时它只是卡住了。我还用谷歌搜索了不可合成的 VHDL 进程,但我认为我做得对,它必须被很好地合成。这是我的流程代码:


variable clkCounter    :unsigned(7 downto 0) := "00000000";


    case state is
        when zeroState =>
            if readDnaCmd = '1' then
                DNA_Read <= '1';
                SR_read   <= '0';
                SR_read   <= '1';
            end if;
        when initState =>
            DNA_Read  <= '0';
            SR_read   <= '1';
            SR_clk    <= DNA_CLK_temp;
            DNA_Shift <= '1';

        when endReadState =>
            DNA_shift <= '0';
            SR_read   <= '0';
        when readState =>
            clkCounter := clkCounter + 1;
            --clkCounter2 <= clkCounter2 + X"01";
            SR_read   <= '0';
    end case;

end process FSMOutputController;

这是尝试合成时 ISE 日志的一部分:

*                           HDL Synthesis                               *

Synthesizing Unit <testDNALock>.
Related source file is "C:\Projects\Anti clone S6\code\test1\DNATest\testDNALock.vhd".
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <CLK_98MHz> is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
WARNING:Xst:2935 - Signal 'DNAVerify', unconnected in block 'testDNALock', is tied to its initial value (0).
no macro.
Unit <testDNALock> synthesized.

并且它卡在这里并且不用于包含我的进程的我的 DNALock 文件。还有另一件事:当我注释掉分配行时,它将被正确合成:


variable clkCounter    :unsigned(7 downto 0) := "00000000";


    case state is
        when zeroState =>
            if readDnaCmd = '1' then
                --DNA_Read <= '1';
                --SR_read   <= '0';
                --SR_read   <= '1';
            end if;
        when initState =>
            --DNA_Read  <= '0';
            --SR_read   <= '1';
            --SR_clk    <= DNA_CLK_temp;
            --DNA_Shift <= '1';

        when endReadState =>
        --  DNA_shift <= '0';
        --  SR_read   <= '0';
        when readState =>
            clkCounter := clkCounter + 1;
            --clkCounter2 <= clkCounter2 + X"01";
        --  SR_read   <= '0';
    end case;

end process FSMOutputController;


*                            Design Summary                             *

Clock Information:
No clock signals found in this design

Asynchronous Control Signals Information:
No asynchronous control signals found in this design

Timing Summary:
Speed Grade: -3

   Minimum period: No path found
   Minimum input arrival time before clock: No path found
   Maximum output required time after clock: No path found
   Maximum combinational path delay: No path found


Process "Synthesize - XST" completed successfully

您可以查看我的完整代码并从 pastebin登录。


1 回答 1


我不完全确定这是否是唯一的错误。但作为最低限度的东西DNA_CLK_Temp <= not DNA_CLK_Temp after DNA_CLK_period/2;DNAReady <= '0' after 500 ns;不能合成。这意味着大部分代码都被优化掉了,因为你的时钟永远不会改变。


于 2015-10-17T09:45:02.037 回答