I have a "door" (a turnstile) between two rooms in Inform 7, and I want the player to have to jump over it.

I have:

The turnstile is inside of the Library. The turnstile is a door. 
The turnstile is locked and closed and openable.
The turnstile can be jumped over.

Instead of jumping turnstile:
    say "You jumped over the turnstile and ran into the library";
    now the player is in Collab Room;

but I get the error:

Problem. You wrote 'Instead of jumping turnstile' , which seems to introduce a rule taking effect only if the action is 'jumping turnstile'. But that did not make sense as a description of an action. I am unable to place this rule into any rulebook.
See the manual: 7.1 > 7.1. Actions

I checked out that section, and googled a bunch, no luck. Any help is appreciated!


1 回答 1



Jumping over is an action applying to one thing.
Understand "jump [something]" and "jump over [something]" as jumping over.

Check jumping over:
    say "That seemed unnecessary." instead.

Instead of jumping over the turnstile:
    say "You jumped over the turnstile and ran into the library.";
    now the player is in Collab Room;

作为旁注,The turnstile can be jumped over它本身不做任何事情:它可以用作自定义规则逻辑的一部分,但 Inform 实际上并不理解英语,因此它不会自动获取此类指令。

于 2015-04-21T18:28:19.863 回答