我已经在 Synopsys Design Compiler 和 PrimeTime 中完成了计数器的时序分析,但得到了相同的输出!任何问题 ?
那么 PrimeTime 时序分析如何变得比 DC 更准确呢?
module counter ( out, clk, reset ) ;
input clk, reset;
output [3:0] out;
reg [3:0] out;
wire [3:0] next;
// This statement implements reset and increment
assign next = reset ? 4'b0 : (out + 4'b1);
// This implements the flip-flops
always @ ( posedge clk ) begin
out <= #1 next;
endmodule // counter
write_sdf ${name}.sdf
Information: Annotated 'cell' delays are assumed to include load delay. (UID-282)
Information: Writing timing information to file '/home/student/labs/jithin_prjct/jith/count.sdf'. (WT-3)
Information: Updating design information... (UID-85)
create_clock clk -period 2
Information: Updating graph... (UID-83)
Information: Updating design information... (UID-85)
Report : timing
-path full
-delay max
-max_paths 1
Design : count
Version: E-2010.12-SP2
Date : Fri Mar 20 22:08:55 2015
Operating Conditions: TYPICAL Library: saed90nm_typ
Wire Load Model Mode: enclosed
Startpoint: out_reg[0] (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by clk)
Endpoint: out_reg[3] (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by clk)
Path Group: clk
Path Type: max
Des/Clust/Port Wire Load Model Library
count ForQA saed90nm_typ
Point Incr Path
clock clk (rise edge) 0.00 0.00
clock network delay (ideal) 0.00 0.00
out_reg[0]/CLK (DFFX1) 0.00 0.00 r
out_reg[0]/Q (DFFX1) 0.18 0.18 f
U25/QN (NOR2X0) 0.11 0.29 r
U21/Q (AO21X1) 0.12 0.41 r
U15/Q (AO21X1) 0.10 0.51 r
U14/Q (MUX21X1) 0.12 0.63 r
out_reg[3]/D (DFFX1) 0.04 0.67 r
data arrival time 0.67
clock clk (rise edge) 2.00 2.00
clock network delay (ideal) 0.00 2.00
out_reg[3]/CLK (DFFX1) 0.00 2.00 r
library setup time -0.07 1.93
data required time 1.93
data required time 1.93
data arrival time -0.67
slack (MET) 1.26
PrimeTime 输出是通过将输入作为netlist
。PrimeTime 输出如下所示。
Report : timing
-path_type full
-delay_type max
-max_paths 1
Design : count
Version: E-2010.12-SP1
Date : Fri Mar 20 22:08:14 2015
Startpoint: out_reg[0] (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by clk)
Endpoint: out_reg[3] (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by clk)
Path Group: clk
Path Type: max
Point Incr Path
clock clk (rise edge) 0.00 0.00
clock network delay (ideal) 0.00 0.00
out_reg[0]/CLK (DFFX1) 0.00 0.00 r
out_reg[0]/Q (DFFX1) 0.18 * 0.18 f
U25/QN (NOR2X0) 0.11 * 0.29 r
U21/Q (AO21X1) 0.12 * 0.41 r
U15/Q (AO21X1) 0.10 * 0.51 r
U14/Q (MUX21X1) 0.12 * 0.63 r
out_reg[3]/D (DFFX1) 0.04 * 0.67 r
data arrival time 0.67
clock clk (rise edge) 2.00 2.00
clock network delay (ideal) 0.00 2.00
out_reg[3]/CLK (DFFX1) 2.00 r
library setup time -0.07 * 1.93
data required time 1.93
data required time 1.93
data arrival time -0.67
slack (MET) 1.26