Hi I'm using Inconsolata for powerline font in linux (link 1). Now I want to had some extra symbols. I've successfully added the awesome font symbols from the Inconsolata patched fonts in link 2 to my own copy of Inconsolata for powerline font (i.e. I can successfully copy glyphs to my font and they appear on the terminal).

However when I try to add icons from other fonts, namely the battery icons from Typicons (see link 3) they simply do not appear in the terminal. I've scaled and changed multiple properties but it's always the same.

I'm doing fc-cache -fv and I've checked that if I manually create a glyph it appears after an fc-cache. I'm completely lost here, I'm sure it must be something simple but I've already lost a lot of hours with this and the glyphs never appear in the terminal no matter what I do :-(


2 回答 2


尝试将每个字形添加到新的字体文件项目中。如果它是纯符号字体,并且您不关心/不需要遵循 Unicode 分配,请对字母字符和数字使用代码点。生成文件并检查错误。修复 FontForge 报告的任何问题。

于 2015-02-21T23:27:48.307 回答


于 2015-02-23T00:13:20.957 回答