这是一个计算所有解析解的函数: 'cubsol' 。任何意见都将受到欢迎。一个问题 - 目前,代码搜索效率相当低,真正的解决方案是... s2 = cuberoot(q-s0^0.5); 产生的三个复杂解决方案之一;xtemp[1:3] <- s1+ s2 +p; 有没有一种更有效的方法可以在计算之前知道它是哪一个?
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Return all the complex cube roots of a number
cuberoot <- function(x){
return( as.complex(x)^(1/3)*exp(c(0,2,4)*1i*pi/3) );
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# cubsol solves analytically the cubic equation and
# returns a list whose first element is the real roots and the
# second element the complex roots.
# test with :
#a = -1; b=-10; c=0; d=50; x=0.01*(-1000:1500); plot(x,a*x^3+b*x^2+c*x+d,t='l'); abline(h=0)
# coefs = c(a,b,c,d)
cubsol <- function(coeffs) {
if (!(length(coeffs) == 4)){
stop('Please provide cubsol with a 4-vector of coefficients')
a = coeffs[1]; b=coeffs[2]; c=coeffs[3]; d=coeffs[4];
rts = list();
p <- -b/3/a
q <- p^3 + (b*c-3*a*(d))/(6*a^2)
r <- c/3/a
s0 = q^2+(r-p^2)^3;
xtemp = as.complex(rep(0,9));
if (s0 >= 0){ nReRts=1; } else {nReRts=3; }
# Now find all the roots in complex space:
s0 = as.complex(s0);
s1 = cuberoot(q+s0^0.5)
s2 = cuberoot(q-s0^0.5);
xtemp[1:3] <- s1+ s2 +p; # I think this is meant to always contain
# the sure real soln.
# Second and third solution;
iSqr3 = sqrt(3)*1i;
xtemp[4:6] = p - 0.5*(s1+s2 + iSqr3*(s1-s2));
xtemp[7:9] = p - 0.5*(s1+s2 - iSqr3*(s1-s2));
ind1 = which.min(abs(a*xtemp[1:3]^3 + b*xtemp[1:3]^2 +c*xtemp[1:3] +d))
ind2 = 3+which.min(abs(a*xtemp[4:6]^3 + b*xtemp[4:6]^2 +c*xtemp[4:6] +d))
ind3 = 6+which.min(abs(a*xtemp[7:9]^3 + b*xtemp[7:9]^2 +c*xtemp[7:9] +d))
if (nReRts == 1){
rts[[1]] = c(Re(xtemp[ind1]));
rts[[2]] = xtemp[c(ind2,ind3)]
} else { # three real roots
rts[[1]] = Re(xtemp[c(ind1,ind2,ind3)]);
rts[[2]] = numeric();
} # end of function cubsol