我在网上寻找一种为 3d 矩阵动态分配空间的方法,比如 int 类型。我发现了很多关于 2d 矩阵的网站,这个 http://www.taranets.com/cgi/ts/1.37/ts.ws.pl?w=329;b=286 还有这个例子如下所示。我理解了上述所有例子,但关于 3d 我不能。创作者是以向后的方式分配空间还是其他方式?他从为整个矩阵分配空间开始,然后进入 Z 轴?那是我无法理解的。


    /* Program 9.4 from PTRTUT10.HTM   6/13/97 */
// http://www.taranets.com/cgi/ts/1.37/ts.ws.pl?w=329;b=286

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>

int X_DIM=16;
int Y_DIM=5;
int Z_DIM=3;

int main(void)
    char *space;
    char ***Arr3D;
    int y, z;
    ptrdiff_t diff;

    /* first we set aside space for the array itself */

    space = malloc(X_DIM * Y_DIM * Z_DIM * sizeof(char));

    /* next we allocate space of an array of pointers, each
       to eventually point to the first element of a
       2 dimensional array of pointers to pointers */

    Arr3D = malloc(Z_DIM * sizeof(char **));

    /* and for each of these we assign a pointer to a newly
       allocated array of pointers to a row */

    for (z = 0; z < Z_DIM; z++)
        Arr3D[z] = malloc(Y_DIM * sizeof(char *));

        /* and for each space in this array we put a pointer to
           the first element of each row in the array space
           originally allocated */

        for (y = 0; y < Y_DIM; y++)
            Arr3D[z][y] = space + (z*(X_DIM * Y_DIM) + y*X_DIM);

    /* And, now we check each address in our 3D array to see if
       the indexing of the Arr3d pointer leads through in a
       continuous manner */

    for (z = 0; z < Z_DIM; z++)
        printf("Location of array %d is %p\n", z, *Arr3D[z]);
        for ( y = 0; y < Y_DIM; y++)
            printf("  Array %d and Row %d starts at %p\n", z, y, Arr3D[z][y]);
            diff = Arr3D[z][y] - space;
            printf("    diff = %d  ",diff);
            printf(" z = %d  y = %d", z, y);
    return 0;

2 回答 2




Arr3D = malloc(Z_DIM * sizeof(char **));

Arr3D 的目的只是一种通过索引(指定 Z、Y、X 索引)访问空间的方法。空间只有一个索引,因此如果您想[a][b][c]通过空间访问矩阵元素,则需要将其转换为单个索引,space[d]其中 d 类似于a*Y_DIM*Z_DIM + b*Z_DIM+c. 因此,使用 Arr3D,您可以[a][b][c]通过Arr3D[a][b][c].

Arr3D本身是一个数组char**,它是指向 char 类型指针的指针。 Arr3D[z]然后是指向 char 指针数组的指针。然后将每个Arr3D[z][y]设置为指向原始 3x3 矩阵中的特定行

Arr3D[z][y] = space + (z*(X_DIM * Y_DIM) + y*X_DIM);

那么Arr[1][2]你就可以访问z=1, y=2矩阵的一行。

于 2010-02-03T16:17:56.720 回答


于 2010-02-03T16:13:17.017 回答