I periodically get a p4 sync and want to know what actually got synced.
So I get the return from p4.run_sync
which is a list of dicts per change (as far as I understood)
sync = p4.run_sync()
when I print the keys it looks like that:
sync dict Nr: 0 --------------
* totalFileSize
* rev
* totalFileCount
* clientFile
* fileSize
* action
* depotFile
* change
sync dict Nr: 1 --------------
* action
* clientFile
* rev
* depotFile
* fileSize
sync dict Nr: 2 --------------
* action
* clientFile
* rev
* depotFile
* fileSize
So only in the first dict there is a change number!
How do I get the others? I currently browse the depotFiles
of the other dicts and get the headChange from p4.fstat
.. but this seems quite hacky...
I'd actually like each change number that was synced to fetch a describe right away.
Or is there a more proper way todo this? Thanks!