here is my ajax request function

function get_from_rss(div_id , link_ ){
    jQuery.support.cors = true;
    url :  link_ ,  
        contentType: "application/json",
        dataType: 'jsonp',
        jsonp : "callback",
        jsonpCallback: 'callbackfunc'

here is my callback function

function callbackfunc (data)
   // parse data
   // put them in the right div 

so the parsing part is similar for all of the links ( all links are json feeds from rss ) only thing different is that div , so i need to somehow send div id along with ajax result to callback function , otherwise i have to write separate callback function for each link

something like

   function callbackfunc (data , div_id)
       // parse data

1 回答 1

function get_from_rss(div_id , link_ ){

        jsonpCallback: function(data){
            callbackfunc(data, div_id);


于 2013-03-21T15:44:55.340 回答