What I am attempting to do is change the borders on a document from blue to something different, preferably clear if anything. Any Ideas?

Current Code: http://jsfiddle.net/NqTuv/

Why is this not working?




    //This is the mouseenter event handler
    //this is the mouseleav event handel


4 回答 4


Your code is a complete mess! I updated your fiddle. It should look like this:

于 2013-09-24T19:48:21.287 回答

Check this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/NqTuv/2/



    //This is the mouseenter event handler
    //this is the mouseleav event handel
于 2013-09-24T19:50:21.417 回答

Your jsfiddle is running the script onload, but you also include a listener for document ready, my the time the onload event happens the document is already ready; your other issues were syntax, mostly missing closing parenthesis.



    //This is the mouseenter event handler
    //this is the mouseleav event handel

于 2013-09-24T19:50:53.837 回答

You are doing way to much to actually get what you want. This is a proper way to do it: I also added the "hover" effect on the header that you want. Don't use .hover, that's deprecated (not in use anymore). Instead use "$('#yourdiv").on('mouseenter', yourfunctionname); and $('#yourdiv").on('mouseleave', yourfunctionname);

Hopefully this helped. ;) Please ask if you need more answers.


    $('#header').on('mouseenter', function(){

    $('#header').on('mouseleave', function(){
于 2013-09-24T20:04:53.550 回答