$month_length = 1;
$day_begin = 9;
$day_end = 19;
$event_interval = 15;
$date = new DateTime();
$today_date_name = $date->format("D");
$today_date_number = $date->format("j");
$today_date_month = $date->format("M");
$today_date_month_number =$date->format("n");
$today_date_year = $date->format("Y");
for ($length = 0; $length <= ($month_length - 1); $length++)
$date->modify("+$length month");
$current_date_name = $date->format("D");
$current_date_number = $date->format("j");
$current_date_month = $date->format("M");
$current_date_month_number = $date->format("n");
$current_date_year = $date->format("Y");
//calculate the length of the month
$current_month_length = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $current_date_month_number, $current_date_year);
if($current_date_month_number != $today_date_month_number){
// if we are not in the current month, start the second loop
// the first of the month.
$current_date_number = 1;
for($current_date_number; $current_date_number <= $current_month_length; $current_date_number++)
$date->setDate($current_date_year, $current_date_month_number, $current_date_number);
//set the ending before because of the loop;
//set the ending of the day
$date->setTime($day_end, 0, 0);
//get the timestamp of beginning
$ending_timestamp = $date->format("U");
//set the beginning of the day
$date->setTime($day_begin, 0, 0);
//get the timestamp of beginning
$beginning_timestamp = $date->format("U");
$day_length = $ending_timestamp - $beginning_timestamp;
//60 seconds for 1min
$interval = 60 * $event_interval;
for($the_timestamp = 0; $the_timestamp <= $day_length ; $the_timestamp + $interval)
$current_timestamp = $beginning_timestamp + $the_timestamp;
$final_array[$current_date_year][$current_date_number . " " . $current_date_month][$current_timestamp] = $date->format("H : i");
最后一个“for”循环以无限循环结束,因此达到最大执行时间,必须在 30 秒内完成。