我怎样才能让这个代码工作?我做不到puts "+"
或puts "]"
puts " Enter an option:"
puts "------------------"
puts "1] Learn to FOIL"
puts "2] Learn to factor"
puts "3] Practice!!!!!!!"
input = gets.chomp.gsub[" ", ""]
if input == 1 then
puts "The FOIL method is used to put together the simplified terms of a polynomial."
puts "To FOIL, you take the first term of the first set and multiply it by the first"
puts "and second terms of the second set. Example:"
puts " _______"
puts " / \ \"
puts "[5x+2][10x+4]"
puts " equals [50x²+20x]"
puts " "
puts " WAIT......"
puts "NOT READY!!!!!!!"