I'm new to web development and as I research how to install various dev tools on my Mac the following questions have come up,

  • Should I install Heroku via the standalone toolbelt or via homebrew? Isn't the point of homebrew to manage non-Apple packages in a single place.

  • Ruby development using the bundler gem again seems like a wise decision, so that gems are no longer installed via gem install but rather with a project Gemfile. This would suggest that the only gem install required is Bundler. However, then I see developers install a range of tools like this

    gem install bundler foreman pg rails thin --no-rdoc --no-ri

    Is this just laziness or is there some reasoning behind this choice that I don't understand?


1 回答 1


bundler而且foreman我知道在项目之外。Bundler 出于显而易见的原因,而 foreman 因为有时它不喜欢在捆绑包的约束中很好地运行,但据我所知,没有理由在捆绑包之外安装pg,railsthin

在某些 bundler 配置中,bundler 将检查本地安装的 gem 并将它们用作 bundle 的一部分,而在其他配置中,它不会。也许安装该 gems 套件的原因是为了防止 gem 的多个版本安装在系统上的不同项目中,本质上充当 gems 的全局存储库。


于 2013-04-16T18:47:29.520 回答