I wish to be able to get a curser working in unity using Kinect. its essential that i do this by using the kinect sdk as a plugin into unity and not to use openni , ive managed to get it half working however its not really perfected. At the moment ive got it working along the x axis but it doesnt cover the whole screen. It would be more ideal to have the cursor start at the center of the screen the move accordingly. At the moment when moving more towards the right side of the screen it only goes halfway. I rather not hard code in a float number, but to rather calculate according to screen. In unity there was a function where you could scale to world

void Update () {

    if (sw.pollSkeleton())
        distance.x=sw.bonePos[0,2].x - sw.bonePos[0,7].x;//bonpos 0,2 is the spine 0,7 is the left hand

        //spine position will usually be around (0.1,1.2,0.3)
        Debug.Log("the distance is"+distance.x);

         * (-0.2,1.4,0.7) hand over head on left side// essentially by this trime
         * (-0.3,1.0,0.6) hand near shoulders resonably high (-0.4,1.0,0.7) shoulders meaning anything 1.0 region
         * (-0.2,0.6,0.7) hand lower torso level curser should then be alive
         * (-)
         * (-0.1,0.7,0.3)hand at the side shouldnt record curser (-0.1,0.5,0.3) 0.0 -0.1

         * (0.3,1.3,0.8)left hand over head on right side
         * (0.2,1.0,0.8) hand higher up on the other side right shoulder (0.4,1.0,0.7) further right
         * (0.3,0.9,0.7) hand lower then shoullder but pointing towards the right
         * (0.3,0.7,0.6) hand lower right below waist
         * (0.2,0.7,0.5) hand close to groin and spine

        //if the left hands x axis is less than that of the spine
            //distance being 0.2053766 * -0.5f
             difference = -0.5f*distance.x;
            //difference being -0.1026883
            Debug.Log("hand is over by the left");

             difference = -0.8f*distance.x;
            Debug.Log("hand is over by the right");


        Debug.Log("Dist: " + distance.x + ", Diff: " + difference);

        Debug.Log("The spine is positioned at :" +sw.bonePos[0,2]+"The left hand is at :" +sw.bonePos[0,7]+" the position of the cursor"+transform.position);


void OnGUI() {
    //left top width height
    Rect r = new Rect(Screen.width * (difference + 0.3f),0.5f*Screen.height,100,100);
    /*screen.width 480 * 0.1973117,0.5f*1280,100,100

2 回答 2


万一有人遇到这个问题,我找到了一个可以玩的工作,我在这个网站上找到 了将一系列值映射到另一个

float translate(float value, float leftMin, float leftMax, float rightMin,float rightMax)
    float leftSpan = leftMax - leftMin;
    float rightSpan= rightMax - rightMin;

    float valueScaled = (float)(value-leftMin)/(float)(leftSpan);
    return rightMin+(valueScaled * rightSpan);



这将创建一个从手的最远伸展到脊椎的矩形,并将其映射到屏幕。当手穿过身体时,kinect 有时会感到困惑,所以我认为最好不要做所有的导航而不是穿过脊柱

于 2013-03-27T22:08:54.270 回答

我没有处理过 Unity,所以很遗憾我不能直接谈论 Unity 的代码——但我之前已经发布过 Kinect SDK 的代码。在我对这个问题的回答中,我包含了在播放器周围创建一个边界框以表示屏幕的源代码:



  • 肩部 = 屏幕顶部
  • 臀部 = 屏幕底部
  • 左肩 = 屏幕上最左边


这提供了一个舒适的区域,允许玩家在屏幕上移动光标。它还可以轻松扩展到不同大小的不同玩家,并且无论玩家站在 Kinect 的 FOV 中的哪个位置都可以正常工作。

这个概念应该适用于 Unity 代码。

于 2013-03-21T15:34:35.410 回答