在强化学习中,一个典型的例子是有 风的网格世界


图 1 显示了一个标准的网格世界,具有起始 (S) 和目标 (G) 单元格,但有两个不同之处:代理无法越过一堵墙(由黑色单元格表示),以及向下和向左的侧风在网格的右边缘。每个单元格中可用的动作是国王的举动| 每个单元总共有 8 个动作。如果有任何动作会将您带到网格世界之外或与墙壁发生碰撞,您最终会进入最近的单元格(例如,在左上角的单元格中向东北移动会将您带到右侧的一个单元格)。在右侧区域,生成的下一个单元格由随机的“风”向左下移,其平均强度逐列变化。风的平均强度在每列下方给出,以向左下移的单元格数表示.

由于随机性,风有时会与每列给出的平均值相差 1(平均值为 0 时除外)。也就是说,三分之一的时间你会根据列下方指示的值准确地向下移动,三分之一的时间你会向下和向左移动一个单元格,另外三分之一的时间你会移动一个细胞小于平均值。例如,如果你在墙的一排并且在开口的中间并且你向上移动,那么有三分之一的时间你会在那个单元格以西的一排结束,三分之一的时间你会结束向西两列,在该单元格以南一列,三分之一的时间您最终在该单元格以北的同一列。风会影响你所在的牢房,而不是你要去的牢房。

用 = 0:1, = 0:9 和初始 Q(s; a) = 0 对所有 s 实现上述问题中的 Q 学习算法 2;一个。每个动作都会产生 rs = 1 的奖励,但立即导致目标单元格 (rg = 10) 的动作除外。使用: - 贪心动作选择方法 = 0:2。初始 Q(s,a) > 0 且初始 Q(s,a) < 0 的贪心动作选择方法。

我的 matlab 代码可以工作。

我真正的问题函数 nextPos = GiveNextPos(curPos, actionIndex, windpowers, gridCols, gridRows),代理将在其中决定一个动作,然后进入下一步。但是影响下一步的因素很多,比如随机



function WindyGridWorldQLearning()


    gamma = 0.9;
    alpha = 0.1;
    epsilon = 0.2;

    gridcols = 10; 
    gridrows = 7;
    windpowers = [0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 1];
    fontsize = 16;
    showTitle = 1;

    episodeCount = 900;
    selectedEpisodes = [900];

    isKing = 1; 
    canHold = 0;

    start.row = 7;
    start.col = 1;
    goal.row = 1;
    goal.col = 1;

selectedEpIndex = 1;
 actionCount = 8; 

% initialize Q with zeros
Q = zeros(gridrows, gridcols, actionCount);

a = 0; % an invalid action
% loop through episodes
for ei = 1:episodeCount,
    %disp(sprintf('Running episode %d', ei));
    curpos = start;
    nextpos = start;

    %epsilon or greedy
    if(rand > epsilon) % greedy
        [qmax, a] = max(Q(curpos.row,curpos.col,:));
        a = IntRand(1, actionCount);

    while(PosCmp(curpos, goal) ~= 0)
        % take action a, observe r, and nextpos
        nextpos = GiveNextPos(curpos, a, windpowers, gridcols, gridrows);
        if(PosCmp(nextpos, goal) ~= 0), r = -1; else r = 10; end

        % choose a_next from nextpos
        [qmax, a_next] = max(Q(nextpos.row,nextpos.col,:));
        if(rand <= epsilon) % explore
            a_next = IntRand(1, actionCount);

        % update Q:
        curQ = Q(curpos.row, curpos.col, a);
        nextQ = qmax; %Q(nextpos.row, nextpos.col, a_next);
        Q(curpos.row, curpos.col, a) = curQ + alpha*(r + gamma*nextQ - curQ);

        curpos = nextpos; a = a_next;
    end % states in each episode

    % if the current state of the world is going to be drawn ...
    if(selectedEpIndex <= length(selectedEpisodes) && ei == selectedEpisodes(selectedEpIndex))
        curpos = start;
        rows = []; cols = []; acts = [];
        for i = 1:(gridrows + gridcols) * 10,
            [qmax, a] = max(Q(curpos.row,curpos.col,:));
            nextpos = GiveNextPos(curpos, a, windpowers, gridcols, gridrows);
            rows = [rows curpos.row];
            cols = [cols curpos.col];
            acts = [acts a];

            if(PosCmp(nextpos, goal) == 0), break; end
            curpos = nextpos;
        end % states in each episode

        figure('Name',sprintf('Episode: %d', ei), 'NumberTitle','off');
        DrawWindyEpisodeState(rows, cols, acts, start.row, start.col, goal.row, goal.col, windpowers, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);
        if(showTitle == 1),
            title(sprintf('Windy grid-world SARSA - episode %d - (\\epsilon: %3.3f), (\\alpha = %3.4f), (\\gamma = %1.1f)', ei, epsilon, alpha, gamma));

        selectedEpIndex = selectedEpIndex + 1;

end % episodes loop

function c = PosCmp(pos1, pos2)
c = pos1.row - pos2.row;
if(c == 0)
    c = c + pos1.col - pos2.col;

function nextPos = GiveNextPos(curPos, actionIndex, windpowers, gridCols, gridRows)
nextPos = curPos;
switch actionIndex
   case 1 % east
       nextPos.col = curPos.col + 1;
   case 2 % south
       nextPos.row = curPos.row + 1;       
       if(nextPos.row ==4 && nextPos.col <= 4 )   nextPos.row = curPos.row;  end     
   case 3 % west
       nextPos.col = curPos.col - 1;
       if(nextPos.row ==4 && nextPos.col <= 4 )   nextPos.col = curPos.col;  end 
   case 4 % north
       nextPos.row = curPos.row - 1;
       if(nextPos.row ==4 && nextPos.col <= 4 )   nextPos.row = curPos.row;  end 
   case 5 % northeast 
       nextPos.col = curPos.col + 1;
       nextPos.row = curPos.row - 1;
       if(nextPos.row ==4 && nextPos.col <= 4 )   nextPos.row = curPos.row;  end 
   case 6 % southeast 
       nextPos.col = curPos.col + 1;
       nextPos.row = curPos.row + 1;
       if(nextPos.row ==4 && nextPos.col <= 4 )   nextPos.row = curPos.row;  end 
   case 7 % southwest
       nextPos.col = curPos.col - 1;
       nextPos.row = curPos.row + 1;
       if(nextPos.row ==4 && nextPos.col <= 4 )   nextPos.row = curPos.row;  end 
   case 8 % northwest
       nextPos.col = curPos.col - 1;
       nextPos.row = curPos.row - 1;
       if(nextPos.row ==4 && nextPos.col <= 4 )   nextPos.row = curPos.row;  end 
   case 9 % hold
       nextPos = curPos;
      disp(sprintf('invalid action index: %d', actionIndex))

if(curPos.col > 4)    
    nextPos.row = nextPos.row - windpowers(nextPos.col);
    nextPos.col = nextPos.col - windpowers(nextPos.col);

if(nextPos.col <= 0), nextPos.col = 1; end
if(nextPos.col > gridCols), nextPos.col = gridCols; end

if(nextPos.row <= 0), nextPos.row = 1; end
if(nextPos.row > gridRows), nextPos.row = gridRows; end

function n = IntRand(lowerBound, upperBound)
n = floor((upperBound - lowerBound) * rand + lowerBound);

function DrawWindyEpisodeState(rows, cols, acts, SRow, SCol, GRow, GCol, windpowers, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize)
DrawGrid(gridrows, gridcols);
DrawTextOnCell('S', 0, SRow, SCol, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);
DrawTextOnCell('G', 0, GRow, GCol, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);

for i=1:length(rows),
    DrawActionOnCell(acts(i), rows(i), cols(i), gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);

for i=1:gridcols,
    [xc, yc] = FindColBaseCenter(i, gridrows, gridcols);
    text(xc, yc, sprintf('%d',windpowers(i)), 'FontSize', fontsize, 'Rotation', 0);

function DrawEpisodeState(rows, cols, acts, SRow, SCol, GRow, GCol, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize)
DrawGrid(gridrows, gridcols);
DrawTextOnCell('S', 0, SRow, SCol, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);
DrawTextOnCell('G', 0, GRow, GCol, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);

for i=1:length(rows),
    DrawActionOnCell(acts(i), rows(i), cols(i), gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);

function DrawGrid(gridrows, gridcols)
xsp = 1 / (gridcols + 2);
ysp = 1 / (gridrows + 2);

x = zeros(1, 2*(gridcols + 1));
y = zeros(1, 2*(gridcols + 1));
i = 1;
for xi = xsp:xsp:1 - xsp,
    x(2*i - 1) = xi; x(2*i) = xi;
    if(mod(i , 2) == 0)
        y(2*i - 1) = ysp;y(2*i) = 1-ysp;
        y(2*i - 1) = 1 - ysp;y(2*i) = ysp;
    i = i + 1;

x2 = zeros(1, 2*(gridrows + 1));
y2 = zeros(1, 2*(gridrows + 1));
i = 1;
for yi = ysp:ysp:1 - ysp,
    y2(2*i - 1) = yi; y2(2*i) = yi;
    if(mod(i , 2) == 0)
        x2(2*i - 1) = xsp;x2(2*i) = 1-xsp;
        x2(2*i - 1) = 1 - xsp;x2(2*i) = xsp;
    i = i + 1;

plot(x, y, '-');
hold on
plot(x2, y2, '-');
axis([0 1 0 1]);
axis off
set(gcf, 'color', 'white');

function DrawTextOnCell(theText, rotation, row, col, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize)
[xc, yc] = FindCellCenter(row, col, gridrows, gridcols);
text(xc, yc, theText,  'FontSize', fontsize, 'Rotation', rotation);

function DrawActionOnCell(actionIndex, row, col, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize)
rotation = 0;
textToDraw = 'o';
switch actionIndex
   case 1 % east
       textToDraw = '\rightarrow';
       rotation = 0;
   case 2 % south
       textToDraw = '\downarrow';
       rotation = 0;
   case 3 % west
       textToDraw = '\leftarrow';
       rotation = 0;
   case 4 % north
       textToDraw = '\uparrow';
       rotation = 0;
   case 5 % northeast 
       textToDraw = '\rightarrow';
       rotation = 45;
   case 6 % southeast 
       textToDraw = '\downarrow';
       rotation = 45;
   case 7 % southwest
       textToDraw = '\leftarrow';
       rotation = 45;
   case 8 % northwest
       textToDraw = '\uparrow';
       rotation = 45;

      disp(sprintf('invalid action index: %d', actionIndex))
DrawTextOnCell(textToDraw, rotation,  row, col, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);

function [x,y] = FindCellCenter(row, col, gridrows, gridcols)
xsp = 1 / (gridcols + 2);
ysp = 1 / (gridrows + 2);
x = ((2*col + 1) / 2) * xsp;
y = 1 - (((2*row + 1) / 2) * ysp);
x = x - xsp/5;

function [x,y] = FindColBaseCenter(col, gridrows, gridcols)
row = gridrows + 1;
xsp = 1 / (gridcols + 2);
ysp = 1 / (gridrows + 2);
x = ((2*col + 1) / 2) * xsp;
y = 1 - (((2*row + 1) / 2) * ysp);
x = x - xsp/5;

1 回答 1


For the wind just generate a random number n, say between 0 and 1. If you want 3 different behaviors each with a 1/3 chance, just have conditions for n < .33 , .33 < n < .66 ... etc.

I don't quite understand what you're saying with the wall, but you should check the action the agent will take and the effect the wind will have on it and then see if this results in you hitting a wall. If so take the appropriate action.

于 2013-07-10T21:06:51.590 回答