我想在 Perforce 中对文件进行新更改时收到通知。


2 回答 2


如果您正在运行p4 review daemon,您只需将文件添加到您的 p4 用户的“reviews”中。

# A Perforce User Specification.
#  User:        The user's user name.
#  Email:       The user's email address; for email review.
#  Update:      The date this specification was last modified.
#  Access:      The date this user was last active.  Read only.
#  FullName:    The user's real name.
#  JobView:     Selects jobs for inclusion during changelist creation.
#  Password:    If set, user must have matching $P4PASSWD on client.
#  Reviews:     Listing of depot files to be reviewed by user.

User:   you

Email:  you@yourcompany.com

Update: 2012/05/01 11:08:18

Access: 2012/05/17 11:02:27

FullName:   Your Name

Password:   ******

于 2012-05-17T18:04:44.940 回答

主菜单 => 工具 => 管理 => 在用户组窗口中选择您的用户行 => 编辑 [如果选择了行,则选择的名称应该是一个选项] => 表单选项卡 => 将文件或分支添加到评论文本字段(使用仓库路径),请确保您的电子邮件在电子邮件字段中正确无误

根据 docs => “输入您要查看的文件的仓库路径是否有任何更改。每当您在评论字段中订阅的任何文件被修改时,您都会收到一封电子邮件通知以提醒您。” 请参阅:https ://www.perforce.com/manuals/p4v/Content/P4V/configuring.user.html

于 2021-09-23T17:01:50.107 回答