所以这个答案是故事的一部分,因为代码是在 Mathematica 而不是 C# 中,但当然所有的数学(可能有一个小例外)都应该相对容易翻译成任何语言。
- 将三个点(A、B、C)投影到这些点所在的平面上。它应该有一个法线AB x BC。这将问题从三个维度减少到了两个维度。
- 使用您最喜欢的技术来找到通过三个投影点的圆心。
- 将圆心取消投影回三个维度。
- 使用适当的球面插值策略(示例中使用了 slerp,但我相信使用四元数会更好)。
,但您可能需要在 C# 中做一些稍微不同的事情才能做到这一点
(* Perpendicular vector in 2 dimensions *)
Perp2d[v_] := {-v[[2]], v[[1]]};
(* Spherical linear interpolation. From wikipedia \
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slerp *)
slerp[p0_, p1_, t_, rev_] :=
Module[{\[CapitalOmega], v},
\[CapitalOmega] = ArcCos[Dot[p0, p1]];
\[CapitalOmega] =
If[rev == 0, 2 Pi - \[CapitalOmega], \[CapitalOmega]];
v = (Sin[(1 - t) \[CapitalOmega]]/
Sin[\[CapitalOmega]]) p0 + (Sin[t \[CapitalOmega]]/
Sin[\[CapitalOmega]]) p1;
(* Based on the expressions from mathworld \
http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Line-LineIntersection.html *)
IntersectionLineLine[{x1_, y1_}, {x2_, y2_}, {x3_, y3_}, {x4_, y4_}] :=
Module[{x, y, A, B, C},
A = Det[{{x1, y1}, {x2, y2}}];
B = Det[{{x3, y3}, {x4, y4}}];
C = Det[{{x1 - x2, y1 - y2}, {x3 - x4, y3 - y4}}];
x = Det[{{A, x1 - x2}, {B, x3 - x4}}]/C;
y = Det[{{A, y1 - y2}, {B, y3 - y4}}]/C;
Return[{x, y}]
(* Based on Paul Bourke's Notes \
http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/circlefrom3/ *)
CircleFromThreePoints2D[v1_, v2_, v3_] :=
Module[{v12, v23, mid12, mid23, v12perp, v23perp, c, r},
v12 = v2 - v1;
v23 = v3 - v2;
mid12 = Mean[{v1, v2}];
mid23 = Mean[{v2, v3}];
c = IntersectionLineLine[
mid12, mid12 + Perp2d[v12],
mid23, mid23 + Perp2d[v23]
r = Norm[c - v1];
Assert[r == Norm[c - v2]];
Assert[r == Norm[c - v3]];
Return[{c, r}]
(* Projection from 3d to 2d *)
CircleFromThreePoints3D[v1_, v2_, v3_] :=
Module[{v12, v23, vnorm, b1, b2, va, vb, vc, xc, xr, yc, yr},
v12 = v2 - v1;
v23 = v3 - v2;
vnorm = Cross[v12, v23];
b1 = Normalize[v12];
b2 = Normalize[Cross[v12, vnorm]];
va = {0, 0};
vb = {Dot[v2, b1], Dot[v2, b2]};
vc = {Dot[v3, b1], Dot[v3, b2]};
{xc, xr} = CircleFromThreePoints2D[va, vb, vc];
yc = xc[[1]] b1 + xc[[2]] b2;
yr = Norm[v1 - yc];
Return[{yc, yr, b1, b2}]
v1 = {0, 0, 0};
v2 = {5, 3, 7};
v3 = {6, 4, 2};
(* calculate the center of the circle, radius, and basis vectors b1 \
and b2 *)
{yc, yr, b1, b2} = CircleFromThreePoints3D[v1, v2, v3];
(* calculate the path of motion, given an arbitrary direction *)
path = Function[{t, d},
yc + yr slerp[(v1 - yc)/yr, (v3 - yc)/yr, t, d]];
(* correct the direction of rotation if necessary *)
dirn = If[
TrueQ[Reduce[{path[t, 1] == v2, t >= 0 && t <= 1}, t] == False], 0,
(* Plot Results *)
gr1 = ParametricPlot3D[path[t, dirn], {t, 0.0, 1.0}];
gr2 = ParametricPlot3D[Circle3d[b1, b2, yc, yr][t], {t, 0, 2 Pi}];
Graphics3D[Line[{v1, v1 + b1}]],
Graphics3D[Line[{v1, v1 + b2}]],
Graphics3D[Sphere[v1, 0.1]],
Graphics3D[Sphere[v2, 0.1]],
Graphics3D[{Green, Sphere[v3, 0.1]}],
Graphics3D[Sphere[yc, 0.2]],
PlotRange -> Transpose[{yc - 1.2 yr, yc + 1.2 yr}]