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c++ - 3种类型的初始化

以下短语在 C++ 中是什么意思:零、默认和值初始化?

今天我开始了解 C++ 中的 3 种初始化类型:

  • 零初始化
  • 默认初始化
  • 值初始化




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c++ - 自动变量的值初始化

不可复制的对象和值初始化:g++ vs msvc




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c++ - C++中显式构造函数调用的值初始化?

以下短语在 C++ 中是什么意思:零、默认和值初始化?



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c++ - 用户定义的构造函数和隐式默认构造函数

我一直在阅读此页面以了解值初始化的概念 http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/value_initialization


  • 如果 T 是具有至少一个任何类型的用户提供的构造函数的类类型,则调用默认构造函数。

但这似乎与其他来源直接矛盾,解释说如果至少有一个用户定义的构造函数,那么编译器不会生成隐式默认构造函数(像“T t;”这样的表达式不会编译)。欢迎任何解释。

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c++ - 对空的用户定义的构造函数将如何初始化非静态非 POD 成员变量感到困惑

我知道非 POD 类型的默认初始化也会通过调用它们的默认构造函数来默认初始化非静态非 POD 成员变量。但我不确定这是如何发生的。这是我的意思的一个例子:


基于初始化器的 C++ 标准 (8.5),对于默认初始化:

因此,鉴于此,我确实希望默认构造函数Test()会被调用,但是我的空类默认构造函数尚未明确Test初始化,以某种方式被隐式调用。我想知道这是怎么发生的?Test2 iTest2()

同样,对于值初始化(与上面的示例无关),如果一个空的用户定义的默认构造函数没有显式地将 POD 非静态成员变量初始化为零,那么该变量如何初始化为零(我知道它确实这样做)?由于基于标准,似乎对于值初始化,当您拥有用户定义的默认构造函数时发生的所有事情就是构造函数被调用。

值初始化的 C++ 标准的相应部分如下:

这个问题类似于c++ 空构造函数和成员初始化 ,但不同的是,我不是问最终结果行为是什么,而是想知道为什么会发生最终结果行为。

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c++ - 输入迭代器的值初始化

我正在阅读“Accelerated C++”一书的第 8 章。第 8.3 节是关于输入和输出迭代器的:


复制的第二个参数创建一个默认(空)istream_iterator,它不绑定到任何文件。istream_iterator 类型有一个默认值,其属性是任何已到达文件结尾或处于错误状态的 istream_iterator 似乎都等于默认值。因此,我们可以使用默认值来指示复制的“one-past-the-end”约定。

这就是我的理解:istream_iterator 是一个模板类,而 istream_iterator<int> 是模板的一个实例。编写 istream_iterator< int>() 会触发 istream_iterator< int> 对象的值初始化,这意味着零初始化 + 调用隐式默认构造函数 ( http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/value_initialization )。我认为 istream_iterator< int> 对象的默认初始化也可以正常工作(触发对默认构造函数的调用),所以我尝试了这个:




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inheritance - 派生类的大括号(无构造函数)初始化


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c++ - 具有独占继承构造函数的类的值初始化


如果 T 是没有任何用户提供的构造函数的非联合类类型,则对象被零初始化,然后调用隐式声明的默认构造函数(除非它是微不足道的)

我不确定使用 c++11 继承的构造函数时会发生什么,因为引用明确提到了隐式声明的默认构造函数。


什么是正确的输出,0 还是 5?是否应该在值初始化 ( B{ }) 之前将专门提供继承构造函数的类类型初始化为零?

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c++ - How to invoke clang++ or g++ to exactly replicate the requirements in two different standard versions

I'm trying to nail down the differences between N3337 §8.5p7 (C++11) and N3797 §8.5p8 (post C++11) that deal with value-initialization.

N3337 §8.5p7:

To value-initialize an object of type T means:

  • if T is a (possibly cv-qualified) class type (Clause 9) with a user-provided constructor (12.1), then the default constructor for T is called (and the initialization is ill-formed if T has no accessible default constructor);
  • if T is a (possibly cv-qualified) non-union class type without a user-provided constructor, then the object is zero-initialized and, if T’s implicitly-declared default constructor is non-trivial, that constructor is called.
  • if T is an array type, then each element is value-initialized;
  • otherwise, the object is zero-initialized.

An object that is value-initialized is deemed to be constructed and thus subject to provisions of this International Standard applying to “constructed” objects, objects “for which the constructor has completed,” etc., even if no constructor is invoked for the object’s initialization.

N3797 §8.5p8:

To value-initialize an object of type T means:

  • if T is a (possibly cv-qualified) class type (Clause 9) with either no default constructor (12.1) or a default constructor that is user-provided or deleted, then the object is default-initialized;
  • if T is a (possibly cv-qualified) class type without a user-provided or deleted default constructor, then the object is zero-initialized and the semantic constraints for default-initialization are checked, and if T has a non-trivial default constructor, the object is default-initialized;
  • if T is an array type, then each element is value-initialized;
  • otherwise, the object is zero-initialized.

An object that is value-initialized is deemed to be constructed and thus subject to provisions of this International Standard applying to “constructed” objects, objects “for which the constructor has completed,” etc., even if no constructor is invoked for the object’s initialization.

Given these two rules the snippet below should give different results:

as follows:

  1. According to N3337, the default constructor for Derived is called, as Derived has a user-provided constructor. The default constructor for Derived calls Base default constructor, which initializes Derived::i = 10, leaving Derived::j unitialized.
  2. From N3797, as Derived has no user-provided default constructor, nor a deleted default constructor, the second bullet point applies. That is, Derived is zero-initialized, i.e., both Derived::i and Derived::j are initialized with 0 and the object d is default-initialized, which leaves Derived::i = 10.

Although my knowledge of Unixes is minimum, I've been trying to replicate these two cases, using different flags for the compilers clang++ and g++, by trial and error, in Coliru, to no avail. The results so far, all printed d.i = 10 d.j = 0 without warnings.

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c++ - 如何始终正确初始化?

使用 C++11 引入了统一初始化,我的印象{}是现在对于所有情况(如果允许)都是非常安全的初始化。但我刚刚注意到,我弄错了。

什么所有类型的安全初始化形式?带有已删除/私人默认 c'tor 或课程的霸菱课程。




但使用C 数组

使用编译器生成的 default-c'tor 聚合之外的又如何呢?


