问题标签 [undefined-symbol]
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c - solaris 上的 ppoll
此代码在 Linux 中编译,但在 Solaris 中不编译,因为显然 ppoll() 是特定于 Linux 的(我在使用 GCC 的 Solaris 中得到一个未定义的符号错误)。任何帮助转换它?我不认为只使用 poll() 是一个好主意,但话又说回来,我没有编写这段代码。(我从用 C 编写命令行 shell 得到它;第一次尝试使用 ncurses/C)
ios - How do I reliably get Instruments 4.x to symbolicate?
I have a bit of a dilemma — no matter what I do, I cannot get Apple's Instruments.app to symbolicate any of the included instruments while I'm profiling on my devices (it works OK in the iOS Simulator).
I've tried just about everything I can think of, including:
- Checking that I'm actually building a dSYM
- Switching between Debug and Release build schemes
- Making sure that the signing certificate being used in my Development cert
- Adding and removing my Derived Data folder from Spotlight's Privacy list
- Clean & Build before profiling
- Removing the Derived Data folder before building and profiling
I'm not sure where to go from here — I had symbols for an hour or two earlier in the week, but I just can't get them to show up at all anymore. It would be great to figure out what the mystical incantation is to make Instruments always find my app's symbols.
c++ - 我应该链接什么来定义 boost::thread_specific_ptr 和相关的?
我想使用 boost::thread_specific_ptr 但需要知道要添加到我的 gcc v3.4.6 链接行以定义它使用的内容:
c++ - Symbol lookup error problem in QT project
I am trying to add a new library to the Qt plugins folder.
That plugin is located here: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-solutions/qt-solutions/trees/master/qtjp2imageformat
It says that it requires jasper to build, so I downloaded jasper, and built it, generating a libjasper.a in my jasper/lib folder (which is in my home dir, not in /usr or anything)
So i built out qtjp2imageformat using the jasper include files, and linking against that libjasper.a file
here are the relevant lines from the makefile:
I then put the generated libqtjp2.so in the QT Plugins/imageformats folder, and now when my code runs, and gets to the part where it's going to read a jpeg2000, I get the following: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/qt4/plugins/imageformats/libqtjp2.so: undefined symbol: jas_init
So I think jas_init comes from jasper - how come my QT project can't see that? Do I need to also make MY project link against libjasper.a, or have I linked the library wrong when I built libqtjp2?
c++ - 将 Boost.Filesystem 静态链接到共享库的问题
我正在用GCC 4.5.2
and Boost 1.46.1
(用 编译--build-type=complete
)构建一个共享库,这是来自 Makefile 的一个命令,它执行链接部分:
这nm crashdetect.so -u | grep boost
编辑: 这是不可能的还是什么?
gcc - 由于架构 x86_64 的未定义符号 _x264_encoder_open_112 导致 Ffmpeg 编译失败
我正在从源代码在 Snow Leopard 上编译 ffmpeg。使用 Macport 不是一个选项,因为我在 ffmpeg 中有一些自定义修改。制作命令是:
我已经从源代码编译了 libx264,效果很好。
c++ - 继承makefile C++未定义符号首先被引用
extPersonType.h、extPersonTypeImp.cpp:定义和实现extPersonType 类
addressBookType.h、addressBookTypeImp.cpp:定义和实现 addressBookType 类
extPersonType “扩展”(继承)personType 类,它还“拥有”每个 addressType 和 dateType 的一个对象。
addressBookType 类“具有”500 个 extPersonType 类型的对象。
(如果需要,我可以复制粘贴 .h 文件)
因此 extPersonType.h 中有“dateType.h”、“addressType.h”、“personType.h”的#include 语句。addressBookType.h 中包含#include "extPersonType.h"。
我有以下 Makefile:
所有 .o 行都编译没有错误。最后的“主要”编译给出了这个错误:
列出了来自 extPersonType 的更多函数。
c++ - 能够实例化一个对象但不能访问其功能 - 'Symbol(s) not found' 错误
我正在使用 'TPCircularBuffer' 类来创建一个循环缓冲区对象,来自这个网站。这是我当前的代码:
第 1 行工作正常,这意味着链接器已找到该类的 .cpp 和 .h 文件。但是,第 2 行无法编译,并出现错误:
我不认为这是原始源代码的问题,但无论如何我都会将其包含在此处: TPCircularBuffer.c
有谁知道为什么链接器/编译器找不到函数 TPCircularBufferInit?TPCircularBufferInit函数如下:
arrays - 这个错误是什么意思:未定义的符号:THREADVARLIST_STRINGS
我刚开始学习 Free Pascal,我编写了这个相当基本的程序来练习数组。我收到两个错误:
Strings.lpr(32,1) 错误:未定义符号:THREADVARLIST_STRINGS
Strings.lpr(32,1) 错误:未定义的符号:STRINGS_STRPAS$PCHAR$$SHORTSTRING
Strings.lpr(32,1) 致命:编译模块时出现 2 个错误,正在停止
c++ - 在运行时再次“未定义的符号”,C++
FetchAdr 的定义是:
现在我有一个 faddr 是私有(或公共)变量的类