I have a bit of a dilemma — no matter what I do, I cannot get Apple's Instruments.app to symbolicate any of the included instruments while I'm profiling on my devices (it works OK in the iOS Simulator).

I've tried just about everything I can think of, including:

  • Checking that I'm actually building a dSYM
  • Switching between Debug and Release build schemes
  • Making sure that the signing certificate being used in my Development cert
  • Adding and removing my Derived Data folder from Spotlight's Privacy list
  • Clean & Build before profiling
  • Removing the Derived Data folder before building and profiling

I'm not sure where to go from here — I had symbols for an hour or two earlier in the week, but I just can't get them to show up at all anymore. It would be great to figure out what the mystical incantation is to make Instruments always find my app's symbols.


4 回答 4


在文件菜单中有一个重新符号化文档的选项。选择此选项,您可以在列表中找到您的二进制文件并使用定位按钮手动指定 dSYM 的位置。这里还有一个复选框,用于使用 Spotlight 查找 dSYM;如果 Spotlight 在某个时候出现故障但现在已修复,它可能会被停用。

在 Instruments 实际检测时,您似乎无法执行此操作,但它似乎确实会在您下次点击 Record 时保留该设置。但是,它似乎不会在您关闭 Instruments 后记住该设置。

于 2011-05-23T21:17:59.290 回答


于 2012-09-19T20:07:57.013 回答

除了 xcode 的工具,您还可以使用 atos:https ://stackoverflow.com/a/4954949/312725

一定要考虑到幻灯片:https ://stackoverflow.com/a/13576028/312725


于 2013-10-24T11:09:09.333 回答

我已经看到 Instruments 4.2 多次无法使用正确的 dSYM 文件进行符号化。

保存并退出/重新启动 Instruments 后,它将象征性地进行。


于 2011-12-01T23:03:18.870 回答