问题标签 [uidynamicanimator]

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ios - UIDynamicsAnimator causes error after coming back from main menu

I have two view controllers-- one is a main menu, the other is the game. The game has a box that drops, and if the user doesn't catch it, it falls off screen and resets at its original position at the top.

The app loads onto the main menu, and the first time I go to play, it works perfectly. I can play as many rounds as I want without problems. However, if I return to the main menu (modal segue) and then go back to the game, as soon as I try to start the animation again, it gives me an error saying that the box "should be a descendant of reference view in UIDynamicAnimator". I've included the code for this particular section below.

I've searched for hours and can't figure out why this is happening. Can I completely refresh the view controller so that it works the same way as it does the first time? Should I change my referenceview parameter in UIDynamicAnimator? I'm at a loss. Someone please help!!

(I should mention the above code is in an IBAction, but I have also tried adding it in viewDidLoad and that didn't help either....)

Also, the official error that I'm getting is

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'View item (UIImageView: 0x7ffb11d9efd0; frame = (75 40; 70 70); hidden = YES; autoresize = RM+BM; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = CALayer: 0x7ffb11d9faa0) should be a descendant of reference view in UIDynamicAnimator: 0x7ffb11da8120 (0.000000s) in UIView: 0x7ffb11da84c0 {{0, 0}, {375, 667}}

Here is all the code that has to do with initializing "box":

Essentially, the box drops, spins downward, and if it falls off the screen, the animation stops and the box is replaced at it's original position at the top until the user hits the button again.

*****EDIT: I have some more information that may be helpful. When I play the game, go back to main menu, and come back again, doing anything to the box programmatically causes the app to crash. I tried adding a tag in ViewDidLoad, and that caused it to crash. It has to be something with the box, but I just can't figure out what.

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ios - Animating with UIDynamicAnimator when Autolayout is in play

I have a ViewController that has been configured in InterfaceBuilder to use AutoLayout for all of its subviews. Layout is working fine.

I want to make one of the subviews bounce using the cool gravity effects provided by UIDynamicAnimator. I didn't think that would work with AutoLayout, but I tried it and it does. It works quite well!

My question is, is this the expected behavior? Is it going to cause problems somewhere? Does Apple provide any guidance around combining AutoLayout and UIDynamicAnimators?

Here is the code, for anyone interested:

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ios - 为什么我的 UIDynamicAnimator 类继承不能使用 addChildBehavior

我正在用斯坦福 CS193P 学习 ios,并在第 8 讲有问题

我创建了一个从 UIDynamicAnimator 继承的名为 DropItBehavior 的类,但我不能使用 UIDynamicAnimator 方法 addChildBehavior,xcode 警告如““DropItBehavior”没有可见的@interface 声明选择器“addChildBehavior””



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ios - Swift:从下到上的 UIDynamic 动画面板

我想构建一个简单的自定义视图,它使用 UIDynamicAnimator 从底部向上滑动。






我将boundaryY设置为面板的高度,因为我只想将它动画到屏幕上到窗口的高度,目前它飞离顶部(当我调试屏幕高度= 667和panelHeight = 333.5所以我不'不明白为什么它超过了那个标记)


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ios - UIDynamicAnimator 停止对重力变化做出反应


有谁知道为什么 UIDynamicAnimator 会突然停止对UIGravityBehavior附加到它们的对象/项目进行动画处理?


我正在运行Big Nerd Ranch的示例


我也想知道,这是否是一个 Swift 问题。也许我应该尝试在 Obj-C 中实现这一点,看看错误是否仍然存在。



我只是注意到他们不必互相接触就可以停止响应 UIGravityBehavior。


好的,似乎是 Swift 中的一个错误。我在 ObjC 中实现了相同的功能,没有任何问题。

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ios - UIView 像 iOS 控制中心一样弹跳

我正在尝试制作一个具有类似 iOS 控制中心行为的 UIView。我当前的代码能够上拉显示和下拉隐藏。

演示: 我的程序 iOS 控制中心

问题1: 任何人都可以举一些例子或指导我如何做到这一点?

问题2(这里有一些愚蠢的问题): iOS控制中心是如何实现的?是使用 UIViewController 还是 UIView?

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ios - UIscrollView、Autolayout 和 UIDynamicAnimator - 视图闪烁




两个视图下方正在下降,当我拉动滚动视图时,您可以看到它们闪回到那里的起始位置一秒钟。 怎么了


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ios - 带有 UIDynamicItemBehavior 的方法在本地工作,但在从另一个类调用时不起作用

当我在本地调用此方法时,动画效果很好。但是,当从另一个类调用它时,我收到一个 Thread 1 SIGABRT 错误:“由于未捕获的异常 'NSInvalidArgumentException',正在终止应用程序,原因:'*** -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:]:尝试从对象插入 nil 对象[ 0]'"

实际的方法调用是有效的,因为我用 NSLog 替换了该方法的内容,它运行良好。从我的测试来看,它似乎与 initWithItems:@[_orange_ball] 特别相关


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2011 浏览

ios - UIDynamicAnimator + 自定义 UICollectionViewLayout 导致永久圆周运动

我一直在复制 2013 WWDC Session 217 “Exploring Scroll Views on iOS 7”。我正在使用 Xcode 7 beta 2,我的项目只有 iOS 9。

我正在尝试以类似于第 217 节中介绍的方式使用 a UIDynamicAnimatorwith my来模仿 Messages.app 的感觉。UICollectionViewLayoutUICollectionViewLayout是自定义的,出于某种原因,我的细胞似乎在我的项目中以圆周运动反弹。


这里可能发生了什么导致这种圆周运动?我只是改变我的UIAttachmentAttributes中心的 Y 轴属性。




当示例项目运行时(Xcode 7 beta 或更高版本),系统会提示您使用滑块,一直向右拖动以可视化 Collection View Cells。

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ios - UICollisionBehavior 边界不起作用



我正在使用 aUIPanGestureRecognizer来处理视图的拖动,这可以正常工作,但它似乎不会停在边界处。

