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html - 使用 Tin Can API 和 LRS 的大学电子学习平台
我有一个项目,旨在为我的大学创建跨平台的电子学习体验。我计划使用 HTML 5 创建它并实现 Tin Can/Experience API,但由于它相对较新,我不确定如何去做。
我的最终产品将严重依赖游戏化并利用交互式学习游戏 (Flash)、排行榜系统和个人学生档案。我知道 Tin can 需要 LRS,但由于这是我第一次创建电子学习产品,因此找到一个起点似乎很困难。
关于 LRS 或锡罐,我从哪里开始,这甚至是该项目的最佳解决方案吗?
tin-can-api - 锡罐声明
我是 Tincan 的新手,所以任何人都可以指导我解决这个问题吗?
我正在为我的 wordpress 网站创建一个 tincan 语句插件。我从http://rusticisoftware.github.io/TinCanPHP/获得了帮助,以了解如何将报表发送到 LRS,并且报表完美地发送到 LRS。现在我想在网站上创建用户的每个活动,例如如果用户登录,则必须创建语句 $user is looged in now,如果用户完成了课程,则语句 $user 完成了课程必须生成但是通过http://rusticisoftware.github.io/TinCanPHP/示例只创建了一种语句
现在,如果我现在想要 e-mail@domain.com 登录,那么使用 Rusticisoftware 的代码我如何创建多个演员、动词和活动。如果可能,请向我提供此问题的代码片段。提前致谢。
tin-can-api - 如何将使用 php 发送到 Scorm 的 Tincan 语句检索到 WordPress 仪表板?
我已将 Tincan 报表发送到 Scorm Cloud 现在如何将报表从 Scorm 检索到我的 WordPress 仪表板?通过此代码 $answer=$lrs->queryStatements(['agent' => $actor]); 我可以检索所有内容,但如何检索确切的陈述,例如用户创建了一个新课程???
tin-can-api - 用 tin-can api 进行清晰的简历
我正在尝试在我的 LRS 中实现此端点活动/状态/?method=GET - 但我似乎无法使恢复功能正常工作。我有所有数据,但不确定 Articulate 期望 LRS 返回什么以恢复用户停止的位置。我还尝试查看 Articulate 支持页面,但到目前为止没有任何用处。任何帮助,将不胜感激。
coldfusion - TinCan/xAPI - Resume Prompt Not Working
I have built my own simple LMS in ColdFusion. It just uses an iframe to display the course and there is a page that records the tin can statements. It works perfect but I have a course designed in Studio '13/presenter '13, output is tincan, that the resume feature doesn't work on my LMS.
If I use presentation.html, example
the resume doesn't work but the tincan statements post to my site properly.
If I use presentation_html5.html, example
the resume does work but the tincan statements don't post.
I've followed the tutorial and setup the resume feature: http://www.articulate.com/support/presenter-09/enabling-and-disabling-the-prompt-to-resume-function
I have tried the course on several different websites on several different server, and in several different browsers (IE 11, FF 34.0.5, Chrome 39.0.2171.95 m), current version of Flash.
The resume function doesn't work.
I have tried the course with all the different options, prompt, etc, flash cookies enable and disabled.
The resume function doesn't work.
I have tried the course on Scorm Cloud. The resume function works! I have opened presentation.html on my computer in FireFox. The resume function works.
I've narrowed the issue down to TinCan. If I turn TinCan off in the presentation.html file by changing
The course resumes as it should. But since TinCan is off, it doesn't post any statements to my LMS.
I've figured out that I probably need to respond to POST state?method=GET with the state/resume data. So something like this
1Nk30a010904050607080b0on1001811f016110171101811000 (tells the course to go to slide 4 or some thing like that).
I understand the data is encoded/compressed. The data actually comes from the state data posted to the LMS. Each slide posts a resume point. I'm guessing I just need to grab that resume point data from the previous session and post back when the user resumes the course and tincan asks for resume data.
But for some reason, no matter what I return and how I return it. My course just sits there loading. Everything is there, nav bar, course extras, exit button, just the content has the loading sign. Nothing is clickable.
I've tried posting back similar headers that scorm cloud uses in ColdFusion:
They come through properly along with the response: 1Nk30a010904050607080b0on1001811f016110171101811000
I've tried the return format as json, plain text, an array. But the course doesn't load. I've also found odd behavior if I refresh then stop the browser immediately (the course never refreshes). It will bring up the resume prompt and then I can click Yes/No. And it works. Obviously that isn't right.
Any ideas? What am I missing? I'm looking for what an Articulate course is expecting as a response from my (or any) LMS/LRS when it asks for a resume point on state?method=GET.
@Brian: content-type is application/json
LRS should be returning the Content-Type as it was received This is where it gets tricky. state?method=GET redirects to a cfc function. ../includes/LRSCFC.cfc?method=GetState&returnFormat=plain
This is the function:
The problem is if tell CF to return as json using the function, returnFormat=json, or serializeJSON(). It adds stuff to the returned data.
The above code will return:
telling CF to use json:
Which is a secure feature of CF.
But what confuses me is Scorm Cloud just returns
It isn't formatted like JSON. It just seems like it is plain text even though the Content-Type is application/json.
If I return all the cfheader info but leave cfreturn blank cfreturn "" the course just sits there as if I returned "1s43040ji1001111a0101101111000"
What status code are you returning? 200 OK
Any other status, the course will play but will complain it can't connect to the server.
Any errors, successes, requests in progress? No errors. Seems like everything is successful. no requests in progress.
security - 确保 tincan 课程免受重播/欺诈性陈述
我们正在使用 tincan api 向我们自己的学习记录存储 (LRS) 报告课程进度。这些课程由第三方提供,并在用户浏览器中作为 HTML 页面运行。
由于可以操纵从课程发送的所有 tincan 语句(简单的 REST 接口),我们确定可以制作或重播 LRS 将接受的“课程成功”消息。
android - 使用 Appcelerator 的基于 Tin Can API 的 Android 应用程序
任何人都可以分享一些链接来学习如何使用 Titanium Appcelerator 和 Tin Can API 从基础知识开发 android 应用程序。我基本上是一名 Flash 动作脚本开发人员,并且了解 SCORM 2004/1.2 标准。我想知道如何使用 Tin Can API 开发用于电子学习的移动应用程序,以实现更可靠和故障安全的跟踪。另请提及网络上支持 LMS 的 Tin Can。
android - 当我在 android 上使用 tincan 库(tincan-0.3.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies-jarjar.jar)时,无法支持运行 android 项目
当我在使用 tincan jar 库版本后运行 android 项目时-( tincan-0.3.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies-jarjar.jar ) 不支持将 android 项目运行到设备中。请帮助我任何人怎么能运行并导入tincan 库以支持到 android 项目中?
javascript - tin-can-api 如何离线工作?
我正在创建包含一些活动的电子书,例如测验、使用 HTML5、CSS、JavaScript 和 Jquery 的谜题。如何在其中添加锡罐。它应该跟踪读者的动作并离线工作。
正如 Tin-Can API 文档API Doc中提到的,它可以在线和离线工作。它是如何离线工作的?
据我了解,Actor、Verb 和 Object 语句必须在本地存储在日志中,并在连接到 LRS 时发送到 LRS。我对么?
如果我错了,它如何离线工作以及如何维护阅读器的 Actor、Verb 和 Object 语句?
youtube - 使用 X-API 或 Tin-Can-API 跟踪视频
我正在开发学习内容,我想使用 Tin-Can API 或 X-API 跟踪学习者活动。
是否可以跟踪视频内容(在我的课程页面中添加的 YouTube 视频)?跟踪内容,例如学习者开始视频、完成视频、从 1:30 分钟开始恢复。像这样的东西。