问题标签 [articulate-storyline]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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articulate-storyline - 如何获得幻灯片的总数?

在 Articulate 的 Storyline 产品中,如何检索故事文件或项目中的幻灯片(或页面)总数?


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actionscript-3 - 切换菜单项并隐藏所有其他子菜单

所以上周Articulate-Storyline 的SDK 终于发布了,你可以在这里免费下载:http ://www.articulate.com/support/storyline/articulate-storyline-sdk 。现在有人可以为 Articulate 定制播放器。我要编辑的文件夹中已经有一个示例。但是语言是 AS3,我对此没有太多经验。我想要的是,侧边栏菜单上的子项应该只显示在用户点击的那个。因此,如果一个打开并且用户单击另一个,则所有内容都应该关闭,除了刚刚单击的那个。

由于没有什么我可以自己阅读的(学习 AS3 除外),因此我将非常感谢您提供有用的答案!

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tin-can-api - 任何人都可以通过 Articulate Storyline 让 TinCan 为其端点指定自定义 URL?

他们的文档说您可以像这样在根目录中增加 tincan.xml 文件:

现在端点将转到您指定的网址。但无论我做什么,URL 都不会改变,所有的 JSON 语句都会发送到 story.html 所在的根目录。

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ruby-on-rails - 我有一个第三方服务,我认为它正在向我发送格式错误的 JSON

结果,Rails 在我的控制器之前就死了,然后返回:

这对我来说有点神秘,因为我无法访问 3rd 方服务。我只能将参数附加到查询 url,并且这些参数会附加到返回有效负载上。我认为这会破坏我的 JSON 。



第三方服务是向 TinCan 发送指令的 Articulate。

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ruby-on-rails - How can one parse this JSON block?

I am working the TinCan API which is sending non-json objects as a JSON request.

An example of the Request Payload in said request :

Their documentation explains in a paraphrased form that "The data is being sent as described in section 7.8 Cross Origin Requests of the XAPI spec, where all headers and content are being included as form parameters."

Which you can see is true from the Content key in the example above. That key and its children can be decoded and be parsed as JSON.

But because the initial request is application/json, my app runs into a JSON parse error.

That being said, is there some way to set up the server, or my controllers to accept these CORS requests so that I can properly parse them and use their information?

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javascript - 清晰的故事情节订购结果

对于一个清晰的故事情节项目,我想将我的结果从高到低排序,只显示前 5 个。

有人知道如何在 Articulate Storyline 或 Javascript 中做到这一点吗?

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javascript - 使用 javascript 定位故事情节中的对象


我想通过运动路径或 JavaScript 来实现 UX 目的。我知道可以通过入口动画和使用显示层触发器来完成,但该解决方案缺少返回动画。

我有 JavaScript 经验,可以用代码完成动画,但不知道如何直接定位对象(即按名称)。

在 Articulate 社区论坛上发帖后: https ://community.articulate.com/discussions/articulate-storyline/using-triggers-to-move-a-scrolling-panel-in-storyline-2#reply-230801

似乎实现这一点的唯一方法是通过 javascript。

根据工作人员的回复。有谁知道我如何直接瞄准对象?如果可以的话,我将使用 jQuery 和缓动来制作动画。

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tin-can-api - 用 tin-can api 进行清晰的简历

我正在尝试在我的 LRS 中实现此端点活动/状态/?method=GET - 但我似乎无法使恢复功能正常工作。我有所有数据,但不确定 Articulate 期望 LRS 返回什么以恢复用户停止的位置。我还尝试查看 Articulate 支持页面,但到目前为止没有任何用处。任何帮助,将不胜感激。

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coldfusion - TinCan/xAPI - Resume Prompt Not Working

I have built my own simple LMS in ColdFusion. It just uses an iframe to display the course and there is a page that records the tin can statements. It works perfect but I have a course designed in Studio '13/presenter '13, output is tincan, that the resume feature doesn't work on my LMS.

If I use presentation.html, example

the resume doesn't work but the tincan statements post to my site properly.

If I use presentation_html5.html, example

the resume does work but the tincan statements don't post.

I've followed the tutorial and setup the resume feature: http://www.articulate.com/support/presenter-09/enabling-and-disabling-the-prompt-to-resume-function

I have tried the course on several different websites on several different server, and in several different browsers (IE 11, FF 34.0.5, Chrome 39.0.2171.95 m), current version of Flash.

The resume function doesn't work.

I have tried the course with all the different options, prompt, etc, flash cookies enable and disabled.

The resume function doesn't work.

I have tried the course on Scorm Cloud. The resume function works! I have opened presentation.html on my computer in FireFox. The resume function works.

I've narrowed the issue down to TinCan. If I turn TinCan off in the presentation.html file by changing

The course resumes as it should. But since TinCan is off, it doesn't post any statements to my LMS.

I've figured out that I probably need to respond to POST state?method=GET with the state/resume data. So something like this

1Nk30a010904050607080b0on1001811f016110171101811000 (tells the course to go to slide 4 or some thing like that).

I understand the data is encoded/compressed. The data actually comes from the state data posted to the LMS. Each slide posts a resume point. I'm guessing I just need to grab that resume point data from the previous session and post back when the user resumes the course and tincan asks for resume data.

But for some reason, no matter what I return and how I return it. My course just sits there loading. Everything is there, nav bar, course extras, exit button, just the content has the loading sign. Nothing is clickable.

I've tried posting back similar headers that scorm cloud uses in ColdFusion:

They come through properly along with the response: 1Nk30a010904050607080b0on1001811f016110171101811000

I've tried the return format as json, plain text, an array. But the course doesn't load. I've also found odd behavior if I refresh then stop the browser immediately (the course never refreshes). It will bring up the resume prompt and then I can click Yes/No. And it works. Obviously that isn't right.

Any ideas? What am I missing? I'm looking for what an Articulate course is expecting as a response from my (or any) LMS/LRS when it asks for a resume point on state?method=GET.


@Brian: content-type is application/json

LRS should be returning the Content-Type as it was received This is where it gets tricky. state?method=GET redirects to a cfc function. ../includes/LRSCFC.cfc?method=GetState&returnFormat=plain

This is the function:

The problem is if tell CF to return as json using the function, returnFormat=json, or serializeJSON(). It adds stuff to the returned data.

The above code will return:

telling CF to use json:

Which is a secure feature of CF.

But what confuses me is Scorm Cloud just returns

It isn't formatted like JSON. It just seems like it is plain text even though the Content-Type is application/json.

If I return all the cfheader info but leave cfreturn blank cfreturn "" the course just sits there as if I returned "1s43040ji1001111a0101101111000"

What status code are you returning? 200 OK

Any other status, the course will play but will complain it can't connect to the server.


Any errors, successes, requests in progress? No errors. Seems like everything is successful. no requests in progress.

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scorm - 如何从 imsmanifest.xml 为目标设置描述

我是 SCORM 2004 第 3 版的新手,我需要在我创建的每个目标中添加描述。 http://www.examengine.net/help/LmsApiHelp/GetValueEnum.htm这让我相信我可以从 js API 创建它,但我想知道我是否可以从 imsmanifest.xml 创建它

SCO(s)是在 Articulate Storyline 上创建的,通常我不能在它上面做目标,但触发 javascript 我可以设置它,但现在我需要显示来自 imsmanifest 的描述。


