问题标签 [test-reporting]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
java - 如何使用 Java 在 Selenium WebDriver 中生成报告
我正在使用 java 和 Selenium WebDriver。
如何使用 java 在 Selenium WebDriver 中生成报告?我不想要 JUnit 或 TestNG 报告。
python - 以漂亮的表格形式显示 python unittest 结果
我正在编写一个 Pythonic 工具来验证某个系统的正确性。每个验证都编写为 Python unittest
在我看来,这种格式很难阅读,尤其是对于非 Python 爱好者。是否有任何报告生成器可以以漂亮的表格形式生成报告,例如:
c# - 在 SpecRun/SpecFlow 测试执行报告中插入屏幕截图
我正在使用带有Selenium WebDriver和SpecRun作为测试运行程序的SpecFlow来创建和执行自动化测试用例,并且我正在寻找一种解决方案来在测试执行报告中插入屏幕截图。
函数之后创建屏幕截图。图像被保存到特定位置,但是当我进行结果分析时,我必须同时关注报告和图像。将它们放在同一个位置会很好(准确地在报告 html 中)。
maven - Maven 目标使用损坏控制生成测试报告
我正在使用 Spock 测试 Java 应用程序。我想生成测试报告,在 html 中,使用损害控制
应该执行什么 Maven 目标来生成报告?
python - Python-PyDev-Eclipse test report framework (with tables, graphs, diagram,...)
I am novice to Python robotframework and so far I understood it is good for writing software "UnitTests", I suppose that test reports are just a simple textual PASS/FAIL reports driven by "assert" function like: SomeObj.assert('No signal on line xyz') with eventualy line of code where assert happens, right ?
In case of testing some HW/devices externaly connected to PC one have complex measurements to perform and accordingly a lot of measurement data produced by the test. Is there any library/plug-in/framework which would provide to Python(in connection to Eclipse+PyDev) such an interface so that the complex reports(diagrams/graphs/tables... etc.) could be also presented ?
best regards, Zoran
selenium - 如何将自定义测试结果附加到 TestNG 电子邮件报告中?
我正在通过实现 IReporter 侦听器创建自定义 testNG 电子邮件报告,但我找不到将自定义字符串(例如浏览器类型)传递给 emailable-report 的方法...
例如,默认的 emailable-report 是这样的:
似乎我需要在创建 webDriver 时将自定义浏览器名称传递给某个参数或属性,并且应该能够从测试结果中读取该参数?这是对的吗?以及如何做到这一点?
visual-studio-2012 - MSTest 数据驱动测试集 DisplayName for Rows from DataSource
如何在数据驱动测试中设置数据行的 DisplayName,其中数据源是 XML,提供程序是 Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.XML。
我想显示环境名称而不是“数据行 0”。
visual-studio-2012 - Renaming test results of UITestActionLog files or folders as the test case name
Really appreciate your help Adrian. I was able to add the .settingfile, how can I change the generated folder name as the testcase name , lets say I have my testcase as test1(){} I want the result folder to be named as test1 as well?
I Select the option on the general tab and define the User_defined Scheme , but what ever I write there appears on my test result folder, I want it to be the name of my test case
In coded UI, we need to rename the test result UITestActionLog
files or folders to be the same as the test case name.
Let's say my test case name is test1(){}
, and I would like to be able to see the test result file as test1
as well. I don't see the test setting window opening when selecting the test setting file, so I'm not sure where it is suggested to add this code:
hp-alm - HP ALM:测试执行结果版本控制
我们如何在 HP ALM 中创建测试集的测试结果的快照版本 - 测试实验室