Really appreciate your help Adrian. I was able to add the .settingfile, how can I change the generated folder name as the testcase name , lets say I have my testcase as test1(){} I want the result folder to be named as test1 as well?

I Select the option on the general tab and define the User_defined Scheme , but what ever I write there appears on my test result folder, I want it to be the name of my test case

In coded UI, we need to rename the test result UITestActionLog files or folders to be the same as the test case name.

Let's say my test case name is test1(){}, and I would like to be able to see the test result file as test1 as well. I don't see the test setting window opening when selecting the test setting file, so I'm not sure where it is suggested to add this code:

FileName= testContext.ResultsDirectory + "\" + testContext.TestName.ToString()+".extension". 

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