问题标签 [synclock]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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vb.net - SyncRoot 上的 SyncLock

我创建了一个同步队列,并在调用 Enqueue/Dequeue 方法时对该队列的 SyncRoot 属性使用 SyncLock。这些方法是从标准生产者/消费者类的实例中调用的。

这是对 SyncRoot 属性的正确使用吗?



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.net - Is it a bad idea to put frequent file I/O operations within a SyncLock block?

Say I have some code that does this:

First of all: is it a problem that I have that Try/Catch/Finally block inside of a SyncLock?

Second of all: suppose this code runs, on an event, potentially many times within a small timeframe--say, ten times in one second. Is it OK to have it SyncLock like this, or would it make more sense to have it add a line to a Queue, and then write all the lines from the Queue to the file on a timer that goes off, say, every second?

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jquery - jQuery Ajax 同步锁

我有几个按钮,用户可以单击它们来使用 jQuery 的 $.ajax 加载内容。所有按钮都将内容加载到同一个 div 标签中。问题是,如果用户快速点击多次,内容可能会闪现几次,然后才能登陆正确的内容。

我有什么解决方法?我正在考虑类似于.net 的 SyncLock 功能,但在 javascript/jQuery 中。理想的解决方案是取消当前在队列中的请求并启动新的请求。

需要注意的一件事是,可能有多个不相关的 ajax 请求正在进行,所以我无法清除所有请求,只清除与这个 div 标签相关的请求。

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.net - Why use SyncLocks in .NET for simple operations when Interlocked class is available?

I've been doing simple multi-threading in VB.NET for a while, and have just gotten into my first large multi-threaded project. I've always done everything using the Synclock statement because I didn't think there was a better way.

I just learned about the Interlocked Class - it makes it look as though all this:

Can be replaced with a single statement:

This handles all the locking internally and modifies the number. This would be much simpler than writing my own locks for simple operations (longer-running or more complicated operations obviously still need their own locking).

Is there a reason why I'd rolling my own locking, using dedicated locking objects, when I can accomplish the same thing using the Interlocked methods?

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vb.net - `Synclock syncroot` 和 `SyncLock Me` 有什么区别?

vb.Net 多线程问题:



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c# - lock(syncRoot) 对静态方法有何意义?

以下代码摘自 MS 用于创建新安全令牌服务网站的 (Windows Identity Foundation SDK) 模板。

我对多线程编程比较陌生。我假设该声明的原因lock是在两个 Web 请求同时到达网站的情况下使此代码线程安全。

但是,我会认为 usinglock (syncRoot)没有意义,因为syncRoot指的是该方法正在运行的当前实例......但这是一个静态方法!


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.net - 在等待 ShowDialog 返回时同步一段代码






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.net - 同步锁定两个对象



这可行吗?可以通过嵌套的 SyncLock 语句来完成吗?这种手术有什么危险?



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vb.net - .NET SyncLock 命令死锁



在我的代码中,但我在 a 或 b 上随机同步?

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time - GPS时钟的准确度如何?


因此,我们有一个带有室外 GPS 天线的 NTP 服务器设备,可以接收来自 GPS 卫星的时间。


  • 时钟的准确度如何?
  • 保持这种方式或使用另一个外部 NTP(US-GOV、NASA 等)是否值得?
