问题标签 [steamworks-api]

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steam - 如何使用 Steam API 获取 Steam 游戏服务器玩家数量?

有人可以帮助我了解如何使用 Steam API 获取服务器玩家数量吗?

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steam-web-api - 在 rpg maker mv 中使用 Steam 库存

我目前正在 rpg maker mv 中开展一个项目,但遇到了一个小问题。

我正在使用 hudells steamworks api 来获取我的游戏的玩家数据,但我发现它不包括 Steam 库存,所以我想使用玩家 Steam id 来获取该特定游戏的玩家 Steam 库存并添加或删除项目玩家库存基于使用 web api 的 Steam 库存。


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c++ - ISteamRemoteStorage 访问无需支付提交费?

我想知道如果不支付 Steamworks 的提交费,我是否仍然可以访问 Steam 远程存储的功能?

因为当我尝试调用 FileWrite 方法时,它返回“false”(文件未写入......)。我已经很好地连接到 Steam API,我可以获得我的用户名、我的朋友等等。我还可以看到,当我启动我的游戏时,它会在 Steam 上启动占位符应用程序“Spacewar” - 所以我想知道写入 Steam 云是否可以与这个占位符应用程序一起使用(用于测试目的),或者我是否需要支付费用,创建我自己的应用程序,然后可以访问 Steam 云功能?


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unity3d - Unity3d Steamworks 未初始化

我正在为 Steam 做一个统一项目。所以我下载了 SteamWorks.net 并将其添加到项目中,创建了一个空对象并将 Steam 管理器代码附加到该对象。对于成就,在脚本中,使用导入蒸汽



'Steamworks 未初始化'。


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c# - 为什么 SteamOverly Pause 在 Unity 中不起作用

我正在为 Steam 使用 Unity 开发游戏。我正在统一使用 SteamWorks.net 包。我的成就系统运行良好但 SteamOverly 上的暂停游戏无法正常工作。我正在尝试从 Unity Editor 运行。我有任何方法可以从统一编辑器中测试它。我为此使用以下代码

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c# - 使用 Steamworks.NET 包装器时未触发回调

我试图绕过并了解如何正确使用 Steamworks.NET C# 包装器,因为我想将它与我的不和谐机器人一起使用。现在,大多数函数都可以工作,它们使用普通的回调方法。当我尝试使用三个具有相同回调接口的方法时,我陷入了困境,其中没有一个触发回调。因此,在ISteamMatchmakinServers界面中,我想使用 3 种方法 -PlayerDetails, PingServer, ServerRules获取您需要使用这些界面的响应ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse, ISteamMatchmakingPlayersResponse, ISteamMatchmakingRulesResponse。在 Steamworks 官方文档中,它指出:

现在,如果我将 Unity 与 Mono 脚本一起使用并将接口放在继承方法的 OnEnable 方法中,这些接口就会被触发。




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c++ - Unreal Engine 3 game crashes with Steam Input

I'm not much of a C++ programmer, and I'm looking for help with implementing Steam Input into my Unreal Engine 3 game (yes, that's 3 and not 4). I'm under NDAs to both Epic (for Unreal 3) and Valve (for Steamworks), so I don't think I'm able to copy any of their code, but I'm going to do my best here to describe what's going on. And if you know of a better place I can ask these questions, please let me know. And if you think I'm violating an NDA, please let me know that too so I can delete the offending portions.

I have a UE3 game that works with mouse and keyboard. Steam Input, which is part of the Steamworks SDK, provides a way to get input from any controller. Basically, your controller, your actions (such as "shoot" or "walk forward"), and action sets (control schemes that can change based on game state, such as "in menu," "walking," or "driving") all get assigned unique UINT64 handles. I'm at the stage where I'm using the provided functions to assign handles, and it's crashing my game.

I have a class that contains these variables...

I create an object and then I try to set up its variables by calling this function.

The function completes, but the game crashes later, with the error "Unhandled exception ... Access violation reading location ..." Call stack location is FArchiveRealtimeGC::PerformReachabilityAnalysis(), which I understand is part of Unreal 3's garbage collection system.

I'm not sure how to tackle this problem, and I've just been trying stuff. I logged the handles that get assigned, and I tried setting those handles manually:

But the game still crashes after running that function. So I tried removing more from it.

And I can run that function, and the game moves along just fine, except that I don't have any Steam Input action sets I can switch to.

So what might I be able to check to find out why my game is crashing? What else would I need to find out in order to track this down? Is there somewhere else I might have better luck asking about this issue?

Thanks for any guidance you can give me on this.

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steam - 使用 Steam api 时“提供的 `api_key` 值无效”

我想通过steam api获取商品的市场价格,并且我从“ https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey ”获得了有效的。

然后我在下面的查询中复制了这个 api 键https://api.steamapis.com/market/items/731?api_key=xxxxxxxx,但我总是得到“api_key提供的值无效”。

我还尝试了“ https://partner.steam-api.com/ISteamEconomy/GetMarketPrices/v1/?appid=754 ”这个api。似乎不需要apikey。但是没有关于appid. 所以我还是得到了错误的答案。


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macos - 游戏尝试在 Mac 上初始化 Steam 时出现错误“SteamAPI_Init() failed; ipcserver init failed”


不知道为什么会这样。我肯定在运行 Steam,将 steam_appid.txt 文件放在可执行文件的目录中,等等。


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c++ - 在 Linux / GCC 中编译期间 Steam 回调触发警告

我一直在研究我的 Steamworks 集成,每次在 Linux 上编译时,我的所有回调都会触发此警告。每个人一个,所以有一堵墙。话虽如此,回调工作得很好。


我正在使用 GCC / G++ 9.2.1 在 Ubuntu Linux 19.10 中编译,以供参考。