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android - android如何关闭手动打开的SlidingDrawer


width=110 是因为抽屉中有 3 个图标,我希望它们保持在右侧,如下图所示。



用石头写宽度= 110也不好,但我现在想不出更好的解决方案。text_ball、delete_ball 和 plus_ball 都是一组 ldpi、hdpi 和 mdpi。


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android - Relative Layout, SlidingDrawer and ListView

I am trying to build a ListView Activity with a toolbar at the top. The rightmost tool in this toolbar will be a handler to a horizontal SlidingDrawer which will provide a sliding EditText on top of the other tools. First I tried to achieve this with LinearLayout and FrameLayout but the slider went as much as the space that was available minus the tools total width. Right now I have done what I want and works great with the following layout:

The problem is that I have to put a fixed value in RelativeLayout android:layout_height parameter in order for this to work. If I place "wrap_content" then the RelativeLayout fills the entire screen and nothing else is showing.

Any help on this is highly appreciated

Thank you in advance

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ios - iOS:滑动 UIView 开/关屏幕


1. 我在 Xcode 4 中使用单视图应用程序模板。
2. 在 xib 的“主/边框”视图中,我添加了 2 个 UIView(LeftPanel 和 RightPanel)和一个 UIButton(ShowHideButton)。
3. 为了便于查看,我将 LeftPanel 涂成绿色,将 RightPanel 涂成蓝色。
4. 加载视图时,两个面板都是可见的,并且 UIButton 具有文本“隐藏面板”。
5. 按下按钮后,LeftPanel 应滑出屏幕(向左),RightPanel 应展开以占用其原始空间加上 LeftPanel 腾出的空间。
6. 此时,ShowHideButton 应将其文本更改为“显示面板”。
7. 再次按下按钮后,LeftPanel 应滑回屏幕(从左侧),RightPanel 应缩小以“归还”其原始空间。
8. 此时,ShowHideButton 应将其文本更改回“隐藏面板”。

我正在使用animateWithDuration:animations:completion:. 到目前为止,关闭屏幕的转换工作正常(实际上非​​常好)。

困扰我的是,当我尝试将 LeftPanel “带回”时,我得到了一个 EXC_BAD_ACCESS。我已经在下面发布了我的代码,并且已经查看了它,但是我真的看不到我正在访问的已发布的内容(或导致 EXC_BAD_ACCESS 的任何原因)。



编辑: 我又尝试了 2 件事:
1. 问题似乎与在屏幕上显示屏幕外视图有关,因为从屏幕外的 LeftPanel 开始给我同样的问题。
2. 可靠地单步执行代码会导致 Xcode(Lion 的 4 Beta)崩溃。以下是详细信息(每次崩溃都相同):

/SourceCache/DVTFoundation/DVTFoundation-867/Framework/Classes/FilePaths/DVTFilePath.m:373 中的断言失败详细信息:空字符串不是有效路径对象:方法:+_filePathForParent:fileSystemRepresentation:长度:allowCreation:线程:{name = (null),num = 55}提示:无回溯:0 0 0x00000001068719A6 - [IdearSertionHandler HanderFailureInmethod:filename:LineNumber:MessageFormat:参数:](在IDEKIT中)1 0x0000000105failure handler(在dvtfoundation中)2 0x0000000105edd16f + [dvtfilepath _filepathforper:filesystemrepruseentation :length:allowCreation:] (在 DVTFoundation 中) 3 0x0000000105edcd4d +[DVTFilePath _filePathForParent:pathString:] (在 DVTFoundation 中) 4 0x0000000105ede141 +[DVTFilePath filePathForPathString:] (在 DVTFoundation 中) 5 0x00000001064a8dde -[IDEIndex queryProviderFor高优先级:(在IDEFoundation)6 0x000000010655193b - [IDEIndex(IDEIndexQueries)symbolsMatchingName:inContext的:withCurrentFileContentDictionary:](在IDEFoundation)7 0x000000010aca6166 __68- [IDESourceCodeEditor symbolsForExpression:INQUEUE:completionBlock:] _ block_invoke_01561(在IDESourceEditor)8 0x00007fff93fb490a _dispatch_call_block_and_release(在libdispatch名为.dylib)9 0x00007fff93fb615a _dispatch_queue_drain(在libdispatch.dylib)10 0x00007fff93fb5fb6 _dispatch_queue_invoke(在libdispatch.dylib)11 0x00007fff93fb57b0 _dispatch_worker_thread2(在libdispatch.dylib)12 0x00007fff8bb5e3da _pthread_wqthread(在libsystem_c.dylib)13 0x00007fff8bb5fb85 start_wqthread(在libsystem_c.dylib)withCurrentFileContentDictionary:](在IDEFoundation)7 0x000000010aca6166 __68- [IDESourceCodeEditor symbolsForExpression:INQUEUE:completionBlock:] _ block_invoke_01561(在IDESourceEditor)8 0x00007fff93fb490a _dispatch_call_block_and_release(在libdispatch.dylib)9 0x00007fff93fb615a _dispatch_queue_drain(在libdispatch.dylib)10 0x00007fff93fb5fb6 _dispatch_queue_invoke(在libdispatch。 dylib)11 0x00007fff93fb57b0 _dispatch_worker_thread2(在 libdispatch.dylib 中)12 0x00007fff8bb5e3da _pthread_wqthread(在 libsystem_c.dylib 中)13 0x00007fff8bb5fb85 start_wqthread(在 libsystem_c.dylib 中)withCurrentFileContentDictionary:](在IDEFoundation)7 0x000000010aca6166 __68- [IDESourceCodeEditor symbolsForExpression:INQUEUE:completionBlock:] _ block_invoke_01561(在IDESourceEditor)8 0x00007fff93fb490a _dispatch_call_block_and_release(在libdispatch.dylib)9 0x00007fff93fb615a _dispatch_queue_drain(在libdispatch.dylib)10 0x00007fff93fb5fb6 _dispatch_queue_invoke(在libdispatch。 dylib)11 0x00007fff93fb57b0 _dispatch_worker_thread2(在 libdispatch.dylib 中)12 0x00007fff8bb5e3da _pthread_wqthread(在 libsystem_c.dylib 中)13 0x00007fff8bb5fb85 start_wqthread(在 libsystem_c.dylib 中)dylib)9 0x00007fff93fb615a _dispatch_queue_drain(在libdispatch.dylib)10 0x00007fff93fb5fb6 _dispatch_queue_invoke(在libdispatch.dylib)11 0x00007fff93fb57b0 _dispatch_worker_thread2(在libdispatch.dylib)12 0x00007fff8bb5e3da _pthread_wqthread(在libsystem_c.dylib)13 0x00007fff8bb5fb85 start_wqthread(在libsystem_c.dylib)dylib)9 0x00007fff93fb615a _dispatch_queue_drain(在libdispatch.dylib)10 0x00007fff93fb5fb6 _dispatch_queue_invoke(在libdispatch.dylib)11 0x00007fff93fb57b0 _dispatch_worker_thread2(在libdispatch.dylib)12 0x00007fff8bb5e3da _pthread_wqthread(在libsystem_c.dylib)13 0x00007fff8bb5fb85 start_wqthread(在libsystem_c.dylib)

面板显示(启动状态) 显示面板
面板隐藏(按钮按下后成功转换) 面板隐藏
错误:再次按下按钮导致失败 错误

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android - SlidingDrawer 动画速度

我是 Android 编程和堆栈溢出的新手,我需要在我的应用程序中减慢 SlidingDrawer 的动画速度。

我已经像这样子类化了 SlidingDrawer:


我找到了这个链接:How to change animation velocity on SlidingDrawer,它说我可以找到一个替代实现,或者复制源代码并修改它。

我在自己的项目中创建了 SlidingDrawer.java 并从这里粘贴了代码,但是有错误。有几行引用 R.styleable.SlidingDrawer,例如

Eclipse 无法解决的问题。

还有 Eclipse 无法解析的四个成员变量(mTop、mBottom、mLeft、mRight)。

如何让 Eclipse 找到这些资源/变量?然后我将能够编辑一些变量以导致动画变慢,对吗?

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2514 浏览

android - android如何将两个slidingdrawer处理程序并排放置

默认情况下它们是重叠的,所以我将一张图片更改为 android-icon 以更好地查看问题。

,我正在使用由 Alessandro Crugnola


我已经测试了 layout_weight="1" 并将它们放入 LinearLayout





在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述 我的 XML:

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android - 在 MapView 上从左到右滑动抽屉......

我正在尝试使用此示例在 MapView 上创建一个从左到右的滑动抽屉:


但是它将屏幕分成两部分,上侧 MapView,第二部分显示滑动抽屉。


我的 result.xml 如下所示:

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android - Android - 相对于滑动抽屉手柄顶部定位布局项目

我想将活动布局的元素相对于处于关闭状态的滑动抽屉手柄的顶部定位。考虑到滑动抽屉的浮动特性,标准的Layout above相对布局属性显然不起作用。



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android - 我想制作一个弹出菜单,允许在 android 上选择不同的选项





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android - Android: SlidingDrawer ignores requestLayout()

It appears that SlidingDrawer ignores calls to requestLayout() and forceLayout().

I have a SlidingDrawer in the bottom of my layout. This SlidingDrawer has a simple layout set as its android:handle. In this handle layout, there is an ImageView, and this image needs to change from time to time.

The problem is that the images for the ImageView are not all the same size, and I need the ImageView to report back the correct width on getWidth() calls. When I change the displayed image via setImageResource(), the image displayed is changed but the width returned is of the original image, not the new one.

Upon research I've noticed that even though changing the image implicitly calls requestLayout() on the ImageView, no subsequent calls to onLayout() are made. This is true to the entire hierarchy.

What I need is to cause a re-layout of the SlidingDrawer, but it ignores any requestLayout() and forceLayout() requests. How can I do that?

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java - SlidingDrawer 在其他视图之上



问题是 EditText 消失了,并且滑块手柄在屏幕底部而不是在 EditText 顶部