问题标签 [android-relativelayout]

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android - Android中的重叠视图

Android中是否可以有重叠的视图?我想要一个 ImageView,前面有一个透明的 png,背景有另一个视图。






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android - 如何使 ImageView 在 RelativeLayout 中垂直填充

我将 aImageView和 aTextView放在RelativeLayout用作列表项的 a 中,并希望ImageView随 . 的行号垂直增长TextView。的drawable是竖条ImageViewpng图片。

使用以下布局,认为它在 Eclipse 的 Layout 视图中看起来不错,ImageView但不会填充RelativeView运行时的高度。相反,它始终保持原始图片的高度。

为什么它不像我预期的那样工作(或如 Eclipse 布局视图中所示)

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android - Android的RelativeLayout似乎坏了

我正在处理一个布局,我将 ListView 与 RelativeLayout 行项目一起使用。lineitems 本身没有正确显示。

问题是 txtVideoDuration TextView 绘制在行项目的顶部而不是底部。因此,txtVideoTitle 的高度为 0。正如您在 XML 中看到的,txtVideoDuration 应该被限制在 ListView 的底部。

我的目标是让布局类似于谷歌给我的教程。示例:http ://android-developers.blogspot.com/2009/02/android-layout-tricks-1.html

我使用的是安卓 2.0.1。我什至在未修改 ListView 的情况下插入了示例布局,并且发生了相同的行为。

这个简单的案例有效。这是活动的根 XML 布局。顶部的错误代码是列表视图中的行项目。似乎 ListView 本身正在破坏它。

这是将行项目膨胀到 ListView 中的 getView 代码。

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android - Android TableRow RelativeLayout 问题


我动态填充表格,但相对布局为银色,它只跨越大约 3/4 的表格行。如果我放置一个水平方向的 LinearLayout,它会完全跨越,但如果我将其更改为垂直,则会出现同样的问题。我需要表格行中的相对布局,因为我需要这样的东西:



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android - 如何以编程方式在 RelativeLayout 中布局视图?

我正在尝试以编程方式(而不是通过 XML 以声明方式)实现以下目标:



谢谢,TreeUK。我理解大方向,但它仍然不起作用 - “B”与“A”重叠。我究竟做错了什么?

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android - How to get RelativeLayout working with merge and include?

I have been trying for a few days now to make my layouts more efficient by converting from using several levels of nested LinearLayouts to one RelativeLayout and have come across a few problems that I haven not been able to find a workaround for...

I have searched the Android beginners group and this site and have not been able to find anything that would help me solve the problem.

I read on one of the blogs that you can combine layouts with merge and include tags. So what I have is a main layout file with a RelativeLayout root element. Inside of that I have 5 include tags that reference 5 different xml layout files that each have a merge element for the root (all of my merge files are the same except for the ids in them).

I am running into two problems, which I will explain after posting a simplified version of my layout code:

Sample Main Layout File:

Sample included merge file:

I am running into two problems:

1) The android:layout_* attributes seem to be ignored when used in the include tag and all of the merged layouts are displayed on top of each other. According to this post (http://developer.android.com/resources/articles/layout-tricks-reuse.html) "any android:layout_* attribute can be used with the <include /> tag"

2) Since I couldn't get this working I decided to try adding an android:layout_below attribute to the first TextView item in each merge layout file, meaning that each merge file would be referencing an id from another merge layout file... For the most part this actually worked and my layout looks fine. However, I get an error on one of the android:layout_below attributes saying that it can't find the id I specified... I have double and triple checked the ids to make sure they were correct. The weirdest part is that I used the AutoFill feature to put the id in the attribute in the first place.

If anyone has any suggestions or workarounds I will be more than happy to try them out. Also, if anyone can think of a way for me to just have one merge xml layout file instead of 5 that would be greatly appreciated. I couldn't find a way to do that because I need to have access to each item in the merge layout files at runtime...

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android - 如何使用相对布局垂直对齐列表中的项目?

我在 Android 1.5 中使用列表视图在图像旁边显示图像列表和文本。我正在尝试将文本垂直居中,但文本位于行的顶部而不是居中。下面是我的布局:

当我尝试将文本垂直居中时,我需要设置 alignParentTop="true" 似乎很奇怪,但如果我不这样做,文本甚至不会出现。我究竟做错了什么?

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android - 为什么TextViews在RelativeLayout中会互相碰撞

我在一个相对布局中相同高度的两个 Textview 相互运行时遇到问题。



替代文字 http://janusz.de/~janusz/view.png



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android - 在 Android 1.5 上与 RelativeLayout 重叠的视图

我在 Android 1.5 上的 RelativeLayout 中的视图重叠时遇到问题……在 Android 1.6 及更高版本上一切正常。

我确实了解 Android 1.5 在 RelativeLayout 方面存在一些问题,但我无法在 StackOverflow 或 android 初学者组上找到任何针对我的特定问题的内容。

我的布局由四个部分组成,每个部分由一个 TextView、一个 Gallery 和另一个垂直对齐的 TextView 组成:



这是我的布局代码。我不确定我做错了什么。当用户关闭某个部分的显示时,我使用 View.GONE 可见性设置:


我该怎么做才能在 Android 1.5 中完成这项工作?我不认为这只是重新排序 xml 中的视图的问题,因为它在显示所有内容时都可以正常工作。

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android - 在Android中定义RelativeLayout视图的Z顺序

我想在 Android 中定义 RelativeLayout 视图的 z 顺序。


有没有更好的方法来做到这一点?如果我可以在布局 xml 中定义 z 顺序,那就太好了。