问题标签 [reversion]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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django - AttributeError:“模块”对象没有属性“_registered_models”django-cms 3.2

我正在将 Django 1.4 升级到 1.8。我收到这样的错误“revision_manager._registered_models [model_key] = registration_info AttributeError:'module'对象没有属性'_registered_models'”

它来自这个文件“site-packages\cms\utils\reversion_hacks.py”,第 40 行,在 register_draft_only 中。

我的旧版本是 1. django-cms 2.3.8 2. reversion 1.6 3. django 1.4 和新版本是 1. django-cms 3.2.0 2. reversion 1.10.0 3. django 1.8.7



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django-reversion - django reversion 和 get__展示


我想使用 django-reversion 跟踪用户更改




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python - Django检查变量是否包含日期时间和格式



因此运行上面的命令会返回 false。

如果 new_value 包含 2016-05-24 09:26:51.754000+00:00 我如何将其格式化为如下所示:2016-05-24 09:26:51

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python - Regression Method Used in statsmodels adfuller()?

What is the method of regression used in adfuller()? I'm performing an augmented dickey fuller test on a time series, and I'm trying two different ways of doing it.

First, I use pandas.diff() to get the change in price dy. Then I'm passing the original time series as an independent variable y along with dy as the dependent into statsmodels.OLS(dy,y) and getting the results. Then, I extract the slope parameter, model.params[1] and the standard error of the slope parameter model.bse[1]. The quotient of these terms is the Dickey Fuller test statistic I call DF = model.params[1]/model.bse[1].

Second, I pass the singular time price series into adfuller() as such:

Now, to get the Dickey Fuller test statistic, I simply pass DF = resstore.tvalues[1]

Using OLS I get:

With adfuller():

I'm wondering what is the difference between these two methods? Does adfuller() perform a different linear regression than OLS internally? I've observed that the results from OLS are undeniably correct according to a book that I'm getting examples from. But I prefer to use adfuller() because it provides the critical values for the test statistic as a part of the output. Additionally, it seems that there are many regression coefficients for the adfuller() result:

I determine the halflife for mean reversion by getting the slope of the regression line. It looks here that adfuller() is computing a 20th order regression? This doesn't seem right. Maybe I'm doing this wrong though? Can somebody shed some light on adfuller()?

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string - 如何在 GO 中操作字符串以反转它们?

我试图在 go 中反转一个字符串,但我在处理字符时遇到了麻烦。与 C 不同,GO 将字符串视为字节向量,而不是字符,这里称为符文。我试图做一些类型转换来做分配,但到目前为止我做不到。

这里的想法是生成 5 个大小为 100、200、300、400 和 500 的随机字符的字符串,然后反转它们的字符。我能够轻松地使 C 工作,但在 GO 中,语言返回一个错误,指出无法执行分配。

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python - 如何在python中为高阶AP(p)模型编码半衰期?

我想计算高阶 AR(4) 模型的半衰期。基本上,我想知道荷兰 GDP 增长均值回归的速度。

我有一个 AR(1) 模型的半衰期 python 代码

供您参考:grw 是一个数据框,其中 index=dates 和荷兰经济的 GDP 增长

我想为 AR(4) 模型提供 python 代码。

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python - 没有返回值的递归反向列表


