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memory - RAID Lv 4 奇偶校验
Raid 4如何纠正潜在的错误?我知道它有一个包含所有奇偶校验位的奇偶校验磁盘,但是如果它被破坏,它将如何重新创建磁盘 2 的数据?
storage - openstack 的最佳共享存储规范
我们想要订购共享存储服务器,该服务器将用作研究项目(将存储 VM)的 openstack 计算节点(3-7 个节点)的共享存储。我们对戴尔服务器感兴趣。这是我第一次使用共享存储系统,所以我有几个问题:
1- 我是否应该考虑购买预先构建的戴尔共享存储服务器,例如具有 Window 存储服务器的 PowerVault NX3200?或者最好将Rack服务器定制为共享存储?Window存储服务器比Ubuntu NAS有优势吗?
2-我应该考虑10G NIC吗?还是1G网卡就够了?
3- 如何在 PERC H710p / PERC H710 / PERC H310 之间选择 RAID 控制器?
4- “7.2K RPM Near-Line SAS 6Gbps” 是否比“7.2K RPM SATA 3Gbps” 多花些钱?对于这样的项目,我应该考虑哪种类型的高清?
ubuntu - 在现有的 ubuntu 系统上创建 RAID1 分区
我目前在我的服务器上运行 ubuntu 14.04 LTS,配备 512Gb SSD 驱动器,可提供出色的性能。
我向该服务器添加了 2 个 3TB 硬盘驱动器,并且我尝试仅在这 2 个硬盘驱动器上创建软件 RAID1,同时保留 SSD 上已经存在的分区。
我在网上找到的实现这一点的常用方法是安装 ubuntu 本身。但到目前为止,我还没有发现任何与此类似的案例——这在技术上是否可行?
elasticsearch - Elasticsearch 一个存储所有节点
在 oracle 中,我们使用 RMAN 作为所有集群节点的基本存储,因此我们可以有多个数据节点但只有一个存储磁盘。
所有存储节点都可以像 RAID 5 一样工作吗?
hadoop - 为什么不建议将 RAID 用于 Hadoop HDFS 设置?
各种网站(如 Hortonworks)建议不要为 HDFS 设置配置 RAID,主要有两个原因:
- 速度受限于较慢的磁盘(JBOD 性能更好)。
- 可靠性
建议在 NameNode 上使用 RAID。
但是在每个 DataNode 存储磁盘上实现 RAID 呢?
sysadmin - Unable to remove Volume Group due to Incorrect metadata area header checksum
I have three HDDs that I pulled from an old server. Couldn't remember what was on it or how it was configured until I stuck it into my new server to use for RAID5. I dd
'ed all three hard drives and tried to mdadm --create
a new RAID array and got the following error:
Looking into the problem I found out that /dev/sdc2
still contains a logical volume.
I tried lvremove
and vgremove
but all return with the same error: Incorrect metadata area header checksum on /dev/sdc2 at offset 4096
I am unfamiliar with LVM and tried to look online on what to do. Did a recovery but did not work not to my surprise since the vg
file archive I used was generated on my new server.
My guess is that because I dd
'ed the HDDs I somehow messed up the header metadata. What can I do to wipe all this so that I can create my RAID5? Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
To clarify what I mean by dd
dd if=/dev/zero | pv | dd of=/dev/sdx
Just to clarify what helped and give credit to both answers. Both answers below with regards to dd
work. In my case, since the RAID was built on a different box, and I orphaned one of the drives, my new box was complaining about the volume group and such. When I used dd
initially to wipe the data I must not have touch the headers for the RAID/LVM.
raid - 是什么导致 HDD 上的静默数据损坏?
稍后,一个扇区被读回,并且没有从 HDD 读取错误。但它包含错误的数据。
由于 HDD 数据编码包含纠错码,我认为任何神秘的状态更改通常都会被检查注意到。即使检查不是很严格,因此会出现一些错误,但仍然会检测到更多的错误,这些错误会告诉您驱动器有问题。但这并没有发生:显然,数据被发现是错误的,没有任何症状。
我在台式机上的经验是,有时曾经好的文件后来发现是坏的,但这可能是由于在写入过程中没有注意到的问题,无论是移动扇区还是文件系统跟踪数据。关键是,在写入时可能会引入错误,其中数据在 HDD(或 RAID 硬件)内部被损坏,因此错误的数据被写入与其纠错码匹配。如果这是(唯一的)原因,那么一次验证应该足以表明它确实写得很好。
linux-kernel - What is the purpose of the structure mddev in md.c?
I am pretty new to Linux kernel programming and I am supposed to create a new RAID level for a course. This is why I am asking myself some questions about the functions and structures contained in the md.c file and especially about the structure mddev
defined here.
As you can see there are nearly no comments about the structure in itself. I simply do not understand what is the main role of that and what is the big difference with md_personality
? Both seem to define the RAID functionality.
storage - 同一台 NAS 上的多个 RAID 配置
我目前正在寻找 NAS 来备份我的服务器。有没有办法将磁盘专用于特定服务器?或者 nas 只能为所有磁盘设置一个 RAID 配置??例如,如果我有 8 个磁盘和 4 个服务器,我可以有 4 个 RAID 一个,每个 RAID 有 2 个磁盘作为专用服务器吗?就像在 Windows 存储空间中一样,我可以连接一个 das 并将多个磁盘专用于不同的 RAID 阵列并分配不同的服务器。谢谢你。
hard-drive - Are Read/Write operations allowed in RAID when a drive fails?
RAID 0/1/5 in question. I am trying to determine whether or not it is possible to continue reading or writing if ONE hard drive in the array fails.
- For RAID 0 I assumed the entire array fails if one goes down (but is it still possible to read from the existing?
- For RAID 1 I assumed reading and writing continues as normal since there is a mirror copy.
- For Raid 5 I assumed that reading would continue as normal (just the information would have to potentially be reconstructed) and write should cease until a new drive is inserted
I am pretty sure that my assumptions for RAID 1 are correct, but I am uncertain on the behavior of RAID 0 and 5. Ideally you wouldn't touch RAID 5 until you could rebuild the new drive, but is it possible? Any resources on the subject would be awesome.