问题标签 [process-management]
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protocols - 远程进程启动/关闭的简单协议
我正在寻找一种简单的协议来从一个管理应用程序控制远程进程。远程进程将在 Windows 和 Linux (x86) 上运行。
是否有用于管理远程进程的简单协议,我可以找到在 Windows 和 Linux 上运行的守护进程?
distributed - 远程进程管理协议
- 使用的平台是 x86 上的 Windows 和 Linux。
- 在 Windows 上,使用 C/C++ 和 .NET。在 Linux 上,C/C++。
process-management - What measurements to you use to improve your processes?
This question was originally asking 'What KPIs do you use to in a software development organisation'. Unfortunately it seems that KPI is a four-letter word, and the immediate assumption is that KPIs are always mis-used (maybe they are?).
So, I've hopefully improved the question to get at the underlying goals which I originally thought KPIs were useful for. Assuming you have some process for how you (or your organisation) develops software. Secondly assume, that you (or your team) wants to become better at developing and delivery software. Finally, assume that one of the ways to improve is by refining your process.
Given all this, how do you know if your process refinements are having a positive impact? If these are KPIs, or [SMART goals](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMART_(project_management) please provide individual, or groups, of KPIs/SMART goals that you have found the be effective. If it is some other mechanism please explain what it is. Finally, I guess, if you don't think that improving processes is a useful thing, I guess you can explain that too.
The areas of improvement I think would be useful are: quality, timeliness of releases, productivity, flexibility. If there are other aspects of an individual or team of developers, then that would be interesting to know.
Clarifying notes:
The question is not about how to best adapt or change a process, or what a good process improvement process is (be it Kaizen, retrospectives, etc). Nor is it about root-cause analysis or other approaches used to determine what specific aspects of a process should be improved.
The use of measures to determine if process improvement has been achieved, should not be confused with ongoing, as it happens, process improvement. (That is a good thing, but it isn't what the question is about!)
The process could be anything; scrum, agile, extreme, waterfall, ad-hoc. This question isn't about which process is best for certain types of software development, rather it is how to improve that process over time.
Obviously the specific metric will depend on the process that is involved, and the perceived problem that is trying to be improved. This question is simply designed to get examples of metrics used, which would obviously span a number of different processes and improvement areas.
The metric need not be something that is used all the time, for example, it could just be used while testing if a process change works. (For example, it could be too expensive - time or money wise - to measure and track at all times, so you just track it will tweaking the process).
It is taken as a given that if implemented poorly, the use of metrics can have a detrimental effect as developers game the system or otherwise. It is assumed that the person implementing the process change is aware of this problem and has taken effective steps to mitigate it.
All software organisations are different and how they fit into their company, so will have different specific things expected of them within the company, however I would think that product quality, productivity, flexibility and timeliness of releases are applicable to most if not all organisations. (With obviously different emphasis depending on the specific organisation.)
This question has nothing to do with source lines of code! In particular, I am not interested in measuring programmer productivity, especially in terms of SLOCs or # of bugs fixed, or any other naive measurements. I'm interested in higher-level way a team or individual measures their improvement. I am not interested in using a single KPI to measure anyone's performance. I am interested in using a range of KPIs to measure and improve my team's software development processes.
I know of horror stories about KPIs being misused and being ineffective (you don't need to search very hard to find them), but I can't believe that no-one out there tries to continually improve their processes, so there must be some good examples of KPIs out there.
I know all about the drawbacks of simplistic metrics that are applied to individual software programmers. I am really hoping to get examples of KPIs or alternative strategies that people have found as useful, rather than all the reasons why I shouldn't be using KPIs.
I'm mostly interested in processes and performance related to a development organisation within a larger company, as opposed to a software development company as a whole. For example, a software company should ensure that the products have the right features for the market, but generally that is product management's role, rather than engineering. And yes, there is a complete other discussion as to why and to what extent engineers should be involved in product management, but that is a separate discussion.
process-management - 与不合逻辑的经理打交道
在我曾经工作过的地方,他们对任何问题的典型反应都是责怪硬件或用户没有完美地使用系统。我已经接受了这样的理念,即这是我的错,直到我能在这份工作之前证明并非如此(到目前为止,100 次中至少有 99 次是正确的)。
当我有大量数据库超时时,最后一个“无法解决”的问题之一。经过几个月的研究,我仍然只有理论,但无法证明其中的任何一个。我的一位开发人员坚决建议更换网络(每个路由器、交换机、接入点),但无法提供任何证据表明网络是原因;然而,根据我的经理(没有开发/IT经验)的说法,这“显然是原因”所以他接管了这个问题。一个警告和 Fog Creek 插件: 他无法解释这样一个事实,即通过 FogBugz 的错误报告工作完美,并且与其余数据相同的 SQL Server。
几个月后,没有超时,我的经理吹嘘他已经修复了超时(“看,没有超时!”)。我不得不忍住抓起一块石头说“看,没有老虎!” 但我确实问过他是怎么知道他们会发生的,但我没有得到回应。几个月后,超时确实返回(并且数量更多)。
我对自己处理这种情况的方式非常满意,但我很好奇 SO 人群会如何回应让上级/同事实施您知道(或非常确定)错误的解决方案并且可能会浪费数千美元?
project-management - 项目管理和过程管理的区别
configuration-management - 在组织中使用配置管理来控制文档的更好形式是什么
我正在考虑向我的组织建议,为我组织中的所有用户实施 SVN。
tfs - 如何在 TFS 工作项的优先级下拉列表中添加更多项目
我已经为 CMMI 流程模板创建了基于 MSF 的 TFS 项目。
对于任何类型的工作项,我只能选择 1 到 3 之间的优先级,这对于我们的流程来说不够精确。
如何扩大此优先级范围,例如,使用流程资源管理器 UI 具有优先级 1-8?
c# - 检查特定的 exe 文件是否正在运行
我想知道如何检查特定位置的程序是否正在运行。例如,在 c:\loc1\test.exe 和 c:\loc2\test.exe 中有两个 test.exe 位置。我只想知道 c:\loc1\test.exe 是否正在运行,而不是 test.exe 的所有实例。
php - 通过进程 ID 杀死正在运行的 PHP 脚本?
我通过 AJAX 向几个 PHP 脚本发出大量 GET 请求。我想询问有关如何杀死当前正在运行的 PHP 脚本(在后台)的实施建议。
有没有办法在运行时获取 PHP 脚本进程 ID,然后我可以通过 shell/cmd 等杀死该进程?
process-management - 我如何为编码人员开发一个制衡系统
- 让多个开发人员在同一个 wordpress 博客或其他类型网站的相同代码上工作
- 能够预览这些更改
- 控制实施哪些变更以及实施哪些变更
- 如果它们破坏了某些东西,是否有能力撤消更改?