问题标签 [kpi]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
kpi - 什么是新项目的基本工具?
很长一段时间,我认为要开始一个新项目,我们只需要 3 个基本工具。1) 构建系统(例如 Maven 和 CruiseControl) 2) 版本控制系统(例如 CVS 和 SVN 和 GIT) 3) 错误跟踪系统(例如 Bugzilla)
与 Maven/SVN/Bugzilla 相比,KPI 是一种 SOFT 工具。我相信,既然我错过了 SOFT 工具,那么肯定还有其他一些我错过的工具。那么,有人知道新项目还需要哪些其他基本工具吗?
process-management - What measurements to you use to improve your processes?
This question was originally asking 'What KPIs do you use to in a software development organisation'. Unfortunately it seems that KPI is a four-letter word, and the immediate assumption is that KPIs are always mis-used (maybe they are?).
So, I've hopefully improved the question to get at the underlying goals which I originally thought KPIs were useful for. Assuming you have some process for how you (or your organisation) develops software. Secondly assume, that you (or your team) wants to become better at developing and delivery software. Finally, assume that one of the ways to improve is by refining your process.
Given all this, how do you know if your process refinements are having a positive impact? If these are KPIs, or [SMART goals](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMART_(project_management) please provide individual, or groups, of KPIs/SMART goals that you have found the be effective. If it is some other mechanism please explain what it is. Finally, I guess, if you don't think that improving processes is a useful thing, I guess you can explain that too.
The areas of improvement I think would be useful are: quality, timeliness of releases, productivity, flexibility. If there are other aspects of an individual or team of developers, then that would be interesting to know.
Clarifying notes:
The question is not about how to best adapt or change a process, or what a good process improvement process is (be it Kaizen, retrospectives, etc). Nor is it about root-cause analysis or other approaches used to determine what specific aspects of a process should be improved.
The use of measures to determine if process improvement has been achieved, should not be confused with ongoing, as it happens, process improvement. (That is a good thing, but it isn't what the question is about!)
The process could be anything; scrum, agile, extreme, waterfall, ad-hoc. This question isn't about which process is best for certain types of software development, rather it is how to improve that process over time.
Obviously the specific metric will depend on the process that is involved, and the perceived problem that is trying to be improved. This question is simply designed to get examples of metrics used, which would obviously span a number of different processes and improvement areas.
The metric need not be something that is used all the time, for example, it could just be used while testing if a process change works. (For example, it could be too expensive - time or money wise - to measure and track at all times, so you just track it will tweaking the process).
It is taken as a given that if implemented poorly, the use of metrics can have a detrimental effect as developers game the system or otherwise. It is assumed that the person implementing the process change is aware of this problem and has taken effective steps to mitigate it.
All software organisations are different and how they fit into their company, so will have different specific things expected of them within the company, however I would think that product quality, productivity, flexibility and timeliness of releases are applicable to most if not all organisations. (With obviously different emphasis depending on the specific organisation.)
This question has nothing to do with source lines of code! In particular, I am not interested in measuring programmer productivity, especially in terms of SLOCs or # of bugs fixed, or any other naive measurements. I'm interested in higher-level way a team or individual measures their improvement. I am not interested in using a single KPI to measure anyone's performance. I am interested in using a range of KPIs to measure and improve my team's software development processes.
I know of horror stories about KPIs being misused and being ineffective (you don't need to search very hard to find them), but I can't believe that no-one out there tries to continually improve their processes, so there must be some good examples of KPIs out there.
I know all about the drawbacks of simplistic metrics that are applied to individual software programmers. I am really hoping to get examples of KPIs or alternative strategies that people have found as useful, rather than all the reasons why I shouldn't be using KPIs.
I'm mostly interested in processes and performance related to a development organisation within a larger company, as opposed to a software development company as a whole. For example, a software company should ensure that the products have the right features for the market, but generally that is product management's role, rather than engineering. And yes, there is a complete other discussion as to why and to what extent engineers should be involved in product management, but that is a separate discussion.
sharepoint - 修改 SharePoint KPI 列表视图
我正在尝试向 SharePoint KPI 列表添加新字段和新视图。KPI 列表显示两个视图:
- 所有项目
- 关键绩效指标清单
sharepoint - 连接 SharePoint Portal Server 2007 中可用的两个现有 Web 部件
我们正在使用 SharePoint Portal Server 2007 创建一个 BI 仪表板,并且有以下要求,请您告诉我们,无需创建自定义 Web 部件即可。1) 当用户单击列表 Web 部件中的一行时,是否可以根据第一个 Web 部件中的选择刷新另一个 Web 部件。2) 我们可以连接 KPI 和 KPI 详细 web 部件,以便当您点击度量(例如:毛利率%)然后 KPI 详细信息根据选择刷新数据(例如:关于 KPI 详细 web 部件中的毛利率计算的详细信息)
sharepoint - 如何在 Sharepoint 中显示来自 OLAP 多维数据集的图表和 KPI?
我需要在 Sharepoint 中显示来自 OLAP 多维数据集的内容。这可以使用 PerformancePoint Server 来完成,但不幸的是,微软前段时间决定放弃对该产品的支持。他们的计划是将一些功能直接集成到下一个版本的 Sharepoint 中。问题是我不能等那么久,将解决方案基于废弃的软件是不明智的。
我该如何解决这个问题,我应该使用 Excel Services 和/或我该怎么做?
performance - 关于网站响应时间 KPI 参数的帮助
- 下载的总字节数
- 请求数
- DNS查询时间
- FirstByte 下载时间
- DOM 内容加载时间
- 总加载时间
每个 KPI 是否有任何最佳值来指示网站性能?请在这方面帮助我。
sdk - 在性能点 KPI 旁边显示权重
我有一个客户要求将赋予每个 KPI 的权重显示在 Performancepoint 仪表板上。
sharepoint-2007 - 在 SharePoint 中,以图形方式显示来自 Web 服务的数据
[SharePoint/MOSS 2007]
我想访问多个 Web 服务(在外部站点上,使用 WSDL 描述符),并以图形方式显示数据,使用单独的 Web 部件来显示每个项目。
每个图表都非常简单 - 只是一个温度计或交通信号灯(如 KPI)。
如有必要,我可以编写 Web 部件。
(背景——我一直在查看 KPI、PerformancePoint、数据连接库、InfoPath、业务数据目录等。我只需要有人告诉我哪些是进一步调查的正确组件)。
kpi - UX 团队的 KPI
我将领导一个新的用户体验团队,我正在努力为团队定义 KPI。我的问题是非技术性的,我问的是我应该衡量什么 KPI。
sharepoint - 如何在 SharePoint 中以编程方式创建 KPI 列表?
我希望能够通过对象模型在我的 MOSS 2007 安装上创建 KPI 列表。这可能吗?