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java - Vaadin 是否提供实时图表?

我想在我的 Vaadin 应用程序中插入一些实时图表。我搜索了 Vaadin 采样器和插件,但找不到任何东西。是否有任何可用的插件可以提供实时图表(例如连续折线图、计数器)?

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sql - 为什么 SAS GKPI 不断为最后一行创建 2 个 GKPI 图表?

一般来说,我对编码和 SAS 还是很陌生。我尝试创建一堆与行数相对应的 KPI 图表,但下面的循环代码不断为最后一行创建两个相同的 GPKI 图表。为什么会这样?任何帮助将不胜感激。


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import - 将 KPI 从分析服务直接导入仪表板设计器,无需使用记分卡向导

我正在使用 SharePoint Designer 2010。当我创建新的记分卡时,仪表板设计器提供了从 Analysis Service 导入现有 KPI 的选项。因此,如果我在 Analysis Service 中对这些 KPI 进行任何更改,我会创建新的记分卡并导入 KPI。有什么方法可以直接将 KPI 导入仪表板设计器而不创建新的记分卡。

提前致谢, 梅林

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mdx - PerformancePoint 2010 中的 KPI 目标阈值

我需要帮助设置 KPI 中的阈值。在下面的屏幕截图中,KPI 有一个实际值和一个与实际值进行比较的目标值。评分模式设置为“增加更好”,选择的分段方法是“按实际/目标的标准化值分段”。

是否可以根据 MDX 公式动态计算每个波段(绿色、红色和黄色)的阈值,还是必须将它们作为静态值输入?在下面的示例中,键入的值是 120、100、50 和 0%。我们可以从数据源中提取这些阈值吗?


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ssas - 透视 SSAS KPI

我有一个用户组希望将 KPI 包含在他们的报告中。还有其他用户组不希望包含此措施。我正在考虑创建从他们的观点中衡量的过滤器观点。

当我尝试创建透视图时,我没有将 KPI 视为检查选项。我将列名称和度量视为过滤选项,但不是 KPI。因此,当我去分析 excel 中的数据时,我的所有 KPI 都显示为包含的选项,而度量却没有。

有谁知道我如何通过 SSAS 在透视图中包含 KPI?如果这不可能,是否有人知道过滤 KPI 的不同方法?

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performancepoint - PerformancePoint analytic grid hyperlink functionality with KPI images

Within PerformancePoint I am trying to merge the functionality of an analytic grid with the imagery of a KPI scorecard. The analytic grid measures contain an action that lets the user jump to a specific edit page for that measure (based on the intersection of 2 dimensions, Line of Business and Month. That edit page is linked to a database, from which an SSIS package pulls information and processes to fill the cube. Is it possible to add a dynamic hyperlink property to the KPI, one that is based on the intersection of the 2 dimensions, or replace the measure value in the analytic grid with images (similar to a KPI indicator)? I was trying to do it using the API, but I haven't been able to see how to access those particular properties (the associated dimension member values).

Well, I had some screen shots that might have helped make things clearer, but don't have enough reputation to add images to a post, so Ill try and explain it in text.

I want to be able to use a hyperlink action expression such as the one below (which is functional in an analytic grid) on a scorecard KPI or baring that, use an image in place of the actual value in an analytic grid (to give it the appearance of a KPI).

/_layouts/GlobalDeliveryReporting/ProjectStatus.aspx?ProjectID=" + CSTR([Dim Project].[LOB].CurrentMember.PROPERTIES('Key1')) + "&Month=" + CSTR([Dim Status Month].[Months].CurrentMember.Member_Value))

In a nutshell: I am trying to merge the functionality of the analytic grid action with the indicators of a scorecard Kpi.

I hope that made things a littler clearer.

Thank you

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excel - PowerPivot for Excel 2013 KPI icons won't change and don't always appear

I'm using Excel 2013 64-bit with PowerPivot, and am having a couple of issues with KPIs (and I'm not alone).

I'm adding a KPI:

enter image description here

As you can see, I've chosen a non-default icon set. Here's what you then see initially:

enter image description here

OK, I know the solution to this (and am sharing it here just in case it helps anyone else) - just untick the Status column, then re-tick it to redisplay it. This seems to solve the problem (which didn't happen in PowerPivot for Excel 2010).

However, I then get this:

enter image description here

Definitely not the icons I asked for. It seems that whatever icon set you choose, you always get the default ones. Can anyone shed any light on this?

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mysql - 将表中的数据计数存储到“趋势”表中

我们有一个表,我们必须为它提供许多不同字段组合的计数。这需要很长时间才能即时完成并且不提供历史数据,所以我正在考虑将这些计数存储在另一个表中的最佳方式,并带有时间戳,这样我们就可以快速查询它们并获取历史趋势。对于每个计数,我们需要 4 条信息来识别它,并且我们想要存储大约 1000 个不同的指标。我正在考虑三种不同的策略,有一个计数和一个时间戳,但在如何识别要检索的计数方面有所不同。

  1. 1 个表有 4 个字段来识别计数,这 4 个字段不会被规范化,因为它们包含来自不同外部表的数据。
  2. 1 个表格,带有 1 个“标签”字段,其中将包含 4 条信息作为标签。可以丰富此标签并将其保存在另一个表中,可能每个标签部分都有一个字段并将它们链接到外部表。
  3. 不同计数组的不同表能够在一个或多个字段上进行标准化,但这将需要 6 到数十个表。



  • 第一个字段,状态,最多可以有 10 个值
  • 第二个字段,已安装,每个不同字段最多可以有 10 个 1
  • 第三个字段,all,最多可以有 10 个不同的值,但它们对于所有类别都是相同的
  • 第四个字段,虚拟,最多可以有 30 个值,并且对于所有之前的类别也是相同的。
  • 最后两个字段将是一个数字和一个时间戳


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excel - How to create Power View report tiled by multiple KPIs?

I am trying to create a Power View report tiled by KPIs, is this possible?

An example of my raw data:

I have created a calculated column in Power Pivot using the following DAX function:

From this, I want to create KPIs for each measure (each measure has different targets), and use these KPIs as tiles in a Power View report filtered by Company ID and/or Employee ID.

Can this be done?

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sharepoint - 性能仪表板设计器中 KPI 描述属性的换行符


当我在 KPI 描述中输入并保存时,它变成了这样:
