Within PerformancePoint I am trying to merge the functionality of an analytic grid with the imagery of a KPI scorecard. The analytic grid measures contain an action that lets the user jump to a specific edit page for that measure (based on the intersection of 2 dimensions, Line of Business and Month. That edit page is linked to a database, from which an SSIS package pulls information and processes to fill the cube. Is it possible to add a dynamic hyperlink property to the KPI, one that is based on the intersection of the 2 dimensions, or replace the measure value in the analytic grid with images (similar to a KPI indicator)? I was trying to do it using the API, but I haven't been able to see how to access those particular properties (the associated dimension member values).

Well, I had some screen shots that might have helped make things clearer, but don't have enough reputation to add images to a post, so Ill try and explain it in text.

I want to be able to use a hyperlink action expression such as the one below (which is functional in an analytic grid) on a scorecard KPI or baring that, use an image in place of the actual value in an analytic grid (to give it the appearance of a KPI).

/_layouts/GlobalDeliveryReporting/ProjectStatus.aspx?ProjectID=" + CSTR([Dim Project].[LOB].CurrentMember.PROPERTIES('Key1')) + "&Month=" + CSTR([Dim Status Month].[Months].CurrentMember.Member_Value))

In a nutshell: I am trying to merge the functionality of the analytic grid action with the indicators of a scorecard Kpi.

I hope that made things a littler clearer.

Thank you


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灵感来自: http ://web.archive.org/web/20080305164525/http://blogs.msdn.com/performancepoint/archive/2007/10/05/implementing-a-hyperlink-from-a-kpi- in-a-scorecard.aspx



网页报告 报告的 url 指向 redirect.aspx。它使用 EndPoint_URL 的查询字符串参数调用 redirect.aspx,其中包含单击单元格的维度信息。

Redirect.aspx 此页面负责解析 EndPoint_URL 中的值。一旦达到正确的维度级别,它就会创建一个新的查询字符串并重定向到编辑页面,否则它只会返回。EndPointURL 最终看起来像这样:

[Level1].[Level2].[Level3].&[Level4].&[Level5].&[Level6].&[Microsoft].&[Level7].&[Level8]&[69621]; [昏暗状态月份].[月份].[状态年份].&[2015].&[2015-02-01T00:00:00]

在这种情况下,需要传递到编辑页面的值是 [69621] 和 [2015-02-01T00:00:00]。重定向页面解析出 EndPoint_URL,如果它达到正确的深度并找到这些值,它将把用户发送到编辑页面,否则它将返回。

我将记分卡和网页报告放在仪表板上。然后通过传递 url 和行和列的 memberuniquename 来连接它们。

缺点是每次用户单击记分卡时它都会开始加载重定向页面,尽管该页面非常轻量级,并且一旦我隐藏网页报告 Web 部件单击记分卡只会在屏幕上引起一点点。


于 2015-03-12T22:05:59.217 回答