问题标签 [prefix-operator]
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java - Java 前缀和一元运算符一起使用
我正在研究 Java 前缀运算符并遇到了这种行为
python - 将 Postfix Python 代码转为前缀
我正在从interactivepython.org 学习Python。在这个站点上,他们有评估后缀表达式的代码。但我也想看看它是如何为前缀表达式完成的。这是代码:
c++ - 为什么内置类型的链式前缀递增/递减不是 C++ 的 UB?
在 cpprefernce.com前缀增量的示例中,有这样的代码:
为什么在这种情况下链式增量不会导致 UB?在这种情况下是否违反了最多一次修改的规则?
python - 学习后缀
A + B * C = 正常使用(中缀)
A + B * C = 现在,如果我们想将其转换为前缀,我们必须将所有运算符移动到它们处理的两个操作数之前。即 + 将出现在 A 之前,* 将出现在 B 之前。好的,到目前为止一切都很好。
+ A * BC = 前缀
A + B * C = 现在如果我们想将其转换为后缀,我们必须将运算符移动到它们处理的两个操作数之后,即 +应该在 B 之后,* 将在 C 之后。根据规则应该是这样的:AB + C *但在示例中它向我们展示了:
ABC * + = Postfix。
c++ - GCC prefix increment operator misbehaving when passing value to the function
Prefix Increment operator not sending incremented value of the variable (x) in a call to printf()
, when compiled with GCC.
Here is my code;
in main() method, the problem is at the line below;
X should be incremented and send to the bitcount()
with the incremented value of x. The value of x is incremented however, instead of incremented value, the old value is send to the bitcount()
I've tried the same thing with MS VS, this misbehaving didn't occur. The outputs are as below;
Output of Program compiled with GCC on Windows 10
Output of Program compiled with MS VS on Windows 10
To ensure the problem, I've updated code to see the value which is sent to the function;
Bitcount V2
Output of Bitcount v2 compiled with GCC on Windows 10 system
Debug:: bitcount()::x=127 bitcount[127] : 7
Debug:: bitcount()::x=127 bitcount[128] : 7
As it is obvious, GCC sending the old value of X to bitcount() function.
To generalize the problem, I've written the program below;
Output compiled with GCC on Windows 10 System
D:\C\chapter2>gcc InsideFunc.c -o InsideFunc.exe
x: 127, func(): 127
x: 128, func(): 127
Again, value of the variable incremented but old value send to the function.
Here is my gcc version;
Any ideas ?
Late Note : I've just seen on The C Programming Language book of Kernighan & Ritchie, page 49 that which explains the order of evaluation in the function arguments are uncertain and compiler dependent;
Similarly, the order in which function arguments are evaluated is not specified, so the statement
printf("%d %d\n", ++n, power(2, n)); /*WRONG */
can produce different results with different compilers, depending on whether n is incremented before power is called. The solution, of course, is to write
printf("%d %d\n", n, power(2, n));
java - 不涉及其他操作时前缀与后缀增量?
c++ - 预增量加法混淆
你好 Stackoverflowers,
考虑到下面的预增量加法,你能解释一下为什么 j = 8 在下面的代码中吗?
infix-notation - 从布尔表达式中删除多余括号的算法
我有一个前缀表示法的布尔表达式。可以说是or and A B or or C D E
((A and B) or ((C or D) or E))
. 我想把它减少到(A and B) or C or D or E
. 我应该减少中缀符号还是实际上更容易从前缀符号中获得简化的方程。我应该使用什么算法?
c# - C# 中的前缀和后缀运算符重载
以下代码存在运行时问题,即通过分配后缀/前缀增量语句产生的意外引用,如下面的代码所示。如果有的话,任何人都可以向我建议一种将对象视为 C# 中的值类型的方法吗?