问题标签 [path-finding]
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algorithm - 用于寻路的图形沙箱
但我不需要像游戏引擎或 Flash 那样的过度杀伤功能,只需要动画报告和原生碰撞检测器。
我更喜欢用 python 编写脚本,但如果有 java 或 C++ 替代品,我也会很感激。
macos - 如何为 [Path] Finder 制作插件以将 zip-archives 作为文件夹浏览?
真正让我吃惊的是,当从 Windows 迁移到 OS X 时,Finder 中缺少一些基本功能。其中之一是可以将存档作为文件夹打开,即保留在目录树中并能够拖放文件从存档到树中的文件夹,侧边栏等。
Path Finder是一个很棒的共享软件应用程序,我将使用它来代替标准的 Finder(就像很多 Mac 用户所做的那样),所以我对 Path Finder 浏览档案的插件更感兴趣。有可能浏览包(检查查看选项),所以我相信可以将它扩展到档案。还有一个用于为 Path Finder 制作插件的SDK。唯一的问题 - 如何制作插件,让所有苦苦挣扎的人最终获得快乐?
algorithm - 游戏中寻找食物分配最佳路线的算法
想象一下 Sierra 的Caesar III游戏机制:您有许多城区,每个城区都有一个市场。距离上有几个粮仓与有向加权图相连。区别:人(这里是汽车)是形成交通拥堵的单位(这里是图权重)。
假设黄色区域相应地需要 7、7 和 4 个苹果。相应地,蓝色粮仓有 7 个和 11 个苹果。
假设边权重与其长度成正比。然后,解决方案应该类似于边缘上指示的灰色数字。例如,第一个区从第一个粮仓获得 4 个苹果,从第二个粮仓获得 3 个苹果,而最后一个区从第二个粮仓获得 4 个苹果。
php - 有谁知道我在哪里可以找到 php 中 A* 算法的简单版本?
或类似语言的版本。一种适用于所有类型的地图,而不仅仅是 2d。
algorithm - Number of simple mutations to change one string to another?
I'm sure you've all heard of the "Word game", where you try to change one word to another by changing one letter at a time, and only going through valid English words. I'm trying to implement an A* Algorithm to solve it (just to flesh out my understanding of A*) and one of the things that is needed is a minimum-distance heuristic.
That is, the minimum number of one of these three mutations that can turn an arbitrary string a into another string b: 1) Change one letter for another 2) Add one letter at a spot before or after any letter 3) Remove any letter
I've tried many algorithms out; I can't seem to find one that gives the actual answer every time. In fact, sometimes I'm not sure if even my human reasoning is finding the best answer.
Does anyone know any algorithm for such purpose? Or maybe can help me find one?
(Just to clarify, I'm asking for an algorithm that can turn any arbitrary string to any other, disregarding their English validity-ness.)
algorithm - 需要简单的建议来解决图形问题
问题包括有工人的城镇建筑和核袭击时的辐射避难所。我必须建立一个算法,将每栋建筑物的工人分配到一个或多个辐射避难所,但在某种程度上,一些避难所不会变得过于拥挤,而其他避难所几乎是空的(否则我只会让工人去最近的一个) .
问题是这样的:http ://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1237
到目前为止,我所做的是为每栋建筑物找到最近的庇护所,并将工人数量从该建筑物中移出,使其等于庇护所的容量。然后搬到下一栋楼。但有时工人的数量大于庇护所的容量,在这种情况下,在我遍历每座建筑物之后,我只是迭代然后再次应用相同的算法,直到每座建筑物中有 0 名工人,问题是这几乎不是最好的方法解决这个问题。
algorithm - 在哪里可以找到有关 D* 或 D* Lite 寻路算法的信息?
这里有一些关于 D* 的论文的链接,但它们对我来说有点过于数学化了。有没有关于 D*/D* Lite 更适合初学者的信息?
theory - Fast path cache generation for a connected node graph
I'm trying to get a faster pathfinding mechanism in place in a game I'm working on for a connected node graph. The nodes are classed into two types, "Networks" and "Routers."
In this picture, the blue circles represent routers and the grey rectangles networks.
Each network keeps a list of which routers it is connected to, and vice-versa. Routers cannot connect directly to other routers, and networks cannot connect directly to other networks.
Networks list which routers they're connected to
Routers do the same
I need to get an algorithm that will map out a path, measured in the number of networks crossed, for each possible source and destination network excluding paths where the source and destination are the same network. I have one right now, however it is unusably slow, taking about two seconds to map the paths, which becomes incredibly noticeable for all connected players.
The current algorithm is a depth-first brute-force search (It was thrown together in about an hour to just get the path caching working) which returns an array of networks in the order they are traversed, which explains why it's so slow. Are there any algorithms that are more efficient?
As a side note, while these example graphs have four networks, the in-practice graphs have 55 networks and about 20 routers in use. Paths which are not possible also can occur, and as well at any time the network/router graph topography can change, requiring the path cache to be rebuilt.
What approach/algorithm would likely provide the best results for this type of a graph?