I'm sure you've all heard of the "Word game", where you try to change one word to another by changing one letter at a time, and only going through valid English words. I'm trying to implement an A* Algorithm to solve it (just to flesh out my understanding of A*) and one of the things that is needed is a minimum-distance heuristic.
That is, the minimum number of one of these three mutations that can turn an arbitrary string a into another string b: 1) Change one letter for another 2) Add one letter at a spot before or after any letter 3) Remove any letter
aabca => abaca:
= 2
abcdebf => bgabf:
= 4
I've tried many algorithms out; I can't seem to find one that gives the actual answer every time. In fact, sometimes I'm not sure if even my human reasoning is finding the best answer.
Does anyone know any algorithm for such purpose? Or maybe can help me find one?
(Just to clarify, I'm asking for an algorithm that can turn any arbitrary string to any other, disregarding their English validity-ness.)