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For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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python - Panda3D & Python 错误:IOError 无法加载模型文件

我试图用 Python 场景创建 Panda3D,当我尝试运行我的 Python 代码时,我得到了这个:



所以现在你知道了错误和我的代码,但是我该如何解决这个错误呢?我的 Python 文件夹中有 panda.pth,因此它启用了它,而不是 Panda3D 附带的 python 副本,并且我的 Python副本与 Panda3D 附带的注册副本的版本相同。那么,有人可以帮忙吗?

Python 2.7.3 版 Panda3D 1.8.1 版

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python - Python Toontown 扔馅饼错误



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python - cx_Freeze 解冻。可能吗?[Python]


我有我制作的这个 python 程序。问题是,我需要它的来源,但问题是,我的硬盘已经死了,当我尝试查找任何备份时,它不存在。

我认为我唯一拥有的二进制文件是在 cx_Freeze 中编译的。我真的很绝望,我尝试了任何可行的方法来做到这一点,但没有或几乎没有。

有没有办法“解冻”可执行文件或至少将 pyc 从中取出?

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python - 使用 Panda3D 进行实时几何渲染——高效吗?

我正在考虑尝试使用 Panda3D 构建的游戏,其中没有使用 3D 编辑器构建对象。这一切都将使用几何函数制作和渲染。这包括多个角色四处奔跑,施放法术以及周围的建筑物和其他物体。



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python - 从 2.4 到 2.7 的代码转换

我有 2.4 的东西,我想将它转换为 2.7,但问题是,我每次都在这个字符串上崩溃:




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python - 使用 pdeploy 为 panda3d 应用程序创建 Windows 安装程序的问题

前段时间我使用 Panda3d 游戏引擎编写了我的第一个游戏,现在我想与我的朋友分享。实际上,我知道该怎么做:我已经生成了 .p3d 多文件并运行


如何解决?apt-get install makensis没有帮助。


我正在使用Ubuntu 12.04和 Panda 1.8.1。所以,如果一行输出无话可说,那就是整条日志:

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python - 自定义解码脚本:扫描字符串文字时 EOL




SyntaxError:扫描字符串文字时 EOL

SyntaxError:扫描字符串文字时 EOL

按任意键继续 。. .

如果这有帮助,我将使用 Panda3D 中分发的 Python 版本。

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python - ImportError:没有名为 pandac.PandaModules 的模块

我正在尝试使用 *.py 脚本编译 *.exe。




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python - Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben) - memory-access-error (core dumped)

lately I was searching for a graphic library to use with python. While testing panda3d and pyglet I could not even run the examples. I don't exactly know if this is due to the same problem, but it seems to me that is has a common issue. Unfortunately I'm not experienced enough to solve this issue and therefore need some help.

I got the following errors:


Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben)

running this code:


running the Asteroids example.

(I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and python 2.7.3.)

Info: "Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben)" roughly means "memory-access-error (core dumped)"

Thanks for your help, Max

P.S.: Every other post I found regarding this topic was about C/C++ mostly having problems with pointers / direct memory access. Since I am only using basic examples something must be wrong with the libraries - which I doubt - or I have a wrong package configuration somewhere / a broken driver. Another option would be a problem with the window creation itself which I unfortunately don't know enough about either. Please tell me if I need to post more information.

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python - Really annoying error [python/p3d]

I have this part in my code right here which somehow orginates from Panda 1.7.2/Python 2.4:

When i run the code IN Python 2.7/Panda 1.8.1, it gives me this error:

I have tried every method possible to fix, but i still can't figure it out, it's not in the docs and i'm really desperate. Is there a way to fix it a bit, so it's compatible with 2.7?