I have this part in my code right here which somehow orginates from Panda 1.7.2/Python 2.4:
Factions = tuple(lambda [outmost-iterable]: for x in [outmost-iterable]: AvatarType(faction = x)(range(9)))
(Undead, Navy, Creature, Townfolk, Pirate, TradingCo, Ghost, VoodooZombie, BountyHunter) = Factions
When i run the code IN Python 2.7/Panda 1.8.1, it gives me this error:
Factions = tuple(lambda x for x in [outmost-iterable]:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I have tried every method possible to fix, but i still can't figure it out, it's not in the docs and i'm really desperate. Is there a way to fix it a bit, so it's compatible with 2.7?