问题标签 [ios-animations]
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swift - google map Marker Tap动作中DCPathButton的实现
到目前为止,我已经实现了带有标记位置的 DCPathButton。现在我想从上面的方法中调用按钮操作。代码如下。
animation - 如何:Corona SDK 中的动画
我想使用 Corona SDK 创建一个游戏,并且之前已经这样做了,但没有使用任何类型的动画。这一次,你可能已经猜到了,我需要学习如何制作动画!
另外,如果你能告诉我如何在 Corona 中编写动画函数,那就太棒了。
ios - 动画系列未知数组大小的图像
我从网络X图像中获取,并希望使用动画显示它们。我有一个简单的 UIImageView,我想将每个图像显示 5 秒钟,然后继续下一个。如果到达终点,它将永远重复。
ios - 自定义展开 segue 动画显示问题
我正在做我的第一个自定义 segue 动画。我想要的是有一个列表视图,当我在一行上选择时,它不是从侧面滑入,而是从选定的行中展开到位。就像是:
我遇到的问题是 unwind segue 试图做相反的事情,将全屏缩小到原始行,然后关闭。发生的情况是它缩小得很好,但暴露的区域仍然是黑色,然后在动画完成时突然闪烁到位。想要的是这样的:
为了完整起见,这里是前向 segue 代码:
(这是在 XCode8 中,针对使用 Swift3 的 iOS10)
ios - 最接近的实现 - 推送相同的 UIViewController
. 但是我的实施要求如此。我必须滑动手势。在从右向左滑动时,我必须重新加载视图的内容(即 a UIScrollView
ios - SpriteKit 中的 Sprite 动画文件大小
我将拥有100个怪物。每个都有 25 帧动画,用于攻击、空闲和生成动画。因此每个怪物总共有 75 帧。
我想我想做 3x、2x 和 1x 动画,这意味着更多的帧(每个怪物 75 x 3 图像)。除非我做 pdf 矢量,否则它只是一种尺寸。
这种方法在规模上是否太过分了?仅 25 帧动画在硬盘上就占 4MB,但我不确定当您将其加载到 Xcode 和纹理图集中时压缩会发生什么。
有谁知道我正在采用的这种方法是否会占用大量空间,如果我想要更多的怪物,从长远来看可能是一个糟糕的决定(现在我只有几个怪物和其他图像,我已经起来了当我在手机上打开应用程序并查看它的存储空间时,大约为 150MB - 所以很难说从长远来看会有更多的怪物会发生什么,但我觉得它会像 4GB+ 那样大得令人望而却步)。
ios - UINavigationController forgets how to rotate sub controllers after custom transition animation
I have been fighting the following problem for a couple days now. I cannot find anything in the documentation about what I am doing wrong. I have crawled through the debugger and have dumped all sorts of info to the console, but cannot get my head around how to fix what I'm seeing.
My top level view controller is a subclass of UINavigationController. This contains a subclass of UIPageViewController which will be used to visualize my data. It also contains a subclass of UITableViewController for setting app settings. This "options" view is "linked" to the page view controller via a push segue. At this point, everything worked fine.
Problems started when I wanted to differentiate the visual transition between the various ways of visualizing the data (a horizontal scroll in the page view controller) and between bringing in the option view. So, I created a custom animation to "stretch in" the options controller from the top of the screen (on push) or "roll up" the options controller to the top of the screen (on pop). I set this animation on the navigation controller using the navigationController:animationControllerFor:operation:from:to: method.
Before displaying the options controller everything seems to work fine during device rotation. After displaying/dismissing the options controller, the layout of the data visualization controller breaks down during rotation. It displays correctly in the orientation that the device was in when the options controller was dismissed, but played out incorrectly in the opposite orientation.
It appears that the navigation controller (or possibly the page view controller) has forgotten how to handle accounting for the height of the status, navigation, and toolbar.
The following shows debugging screenshots illustrates the issue on a 5s simulator
- Initial state. Note that the content view (red) is below the status, navigation, and tool bars.
- Rotated the orientation to horizontal. So far everything is ok. The debug console shows the size the view is being "rotated" to (568x212), the before/after heights of the status, navigation, and tool bars, the screen size, the frame rectangle, and the layer position. I have not shown it here, but the layer anchor point never changes from (0.5, 0.5).
Note that the target rotation size is set using the following rules:
- rot_width(568) = old_frame_height(460) + sum_of_bar_heights(108)
- rot_height(212) = old_frame_width(320) - sum_of_bar_heights(108)
And the resulting frame size is set using the following rules:
- new_frame_width(568) = rot_width(568)
- new_frame_height(256) = rot_height(212) + change_in_bar_height(108-64)
And the resulting frame origin (0,64) is offset from the top of the screen by the sum of the status bar(20) and the navigation bar(44).
- Rotated the orientation back to vertical. Again, everything is ok. The debug console adds the same information as above for the "reverse" rotation. The rotation size and resulting frame size follow the same rules as above.
- Pushed the option editor controller view onto the navigation stack using a custom animation. The debug console adds the same information as above for the (currently not visible) content view as above. Note that nothing has changed.
- Popped the option editor controller view off of the navigation stack using a custom animation. The content view from above returns to view. The debug console adds the same information as above. Again, nothing has changed.
Note, The stacking order is different from before the option editor was made visible.
This stack re-ordering does NOT hold when using the default transition animator (by returning nil from pageViewController:didFinishAnimating:previousViewControllers:transitionCompleted)
- Repeat of step 1. This is where things being to go "wonky." The content view no longer fits snuggly against the navigation and tool bars. The debug console shows that everything going into the rotation looks the same as in step 1.
BUT, the result of the rotation is different from step 1. The rules seem to have changed. The resulting frame size is no longer adjusted to account for changes in status, navigation, and toolbar heights and the frame origin does not change from what it was before the rotation.
- Repeat of step 2. It appears that everything is fixed, but that is only because it is playing by the new resizing rules.
My animator class is shown (in its entirety, except for the probes used to produce the debugging info shown above) here:
Thanks for any/all help. mike