问题标签 [infinite]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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jquery - 使用带有 ajax 的无限滚动 jQuery 插件

我正在做一个类似于 Google Reader 的项目。

我正在使用 Infinite Scroll jQuery 插件,它在查看默认选定类别的内容(在可滚动的 div 中)时完全按照广告宣传的方式工作。

However when selecting another category (or folder in the case of Google Reader) and the contents of that category is loaded with ajax into the same div container as above (basically exactly like Google Reader) and scrolling down to page 2 the problems arise as it将移至先前选择的任何页面 +1,而不是在选择新类别时从头开始。


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loops - Prolog - 制作一个什么都不做并且永远运行的应用程序


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iphone - iphone dev - UIScrollView 海量内容技巧/提示

我有一个水平滚动的 UIScrollView,我想并排显示数以千计的 UIImage。显然,出于记忆的原因,我不能这样做,所以我想将内容大小设置为 2000 或其他任何值,但只显示图像方块的当前窗口。所以用户会轻弹滚动条,当它停止时(它被分页,所以它会快速停止滚动),它将显示此时应该存在的图像。

我还没有这样做,但听起来很简单。我将只有 1 行 UIImage 移动并加载不同的内容,具体取决于哪个滚动“页面”停止。

第一个问题 - 这是一个好方法吗?第二个问题 - 我怎样才能有一个无限重复的空方块平铺背景图像或作为尚未加载内容的占位符的东西。这些将在用户旋转滚动条时显示。我们可以在 UI 元素上使用平铺的 BG 图像吗?

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c++ - 是否可以构造一个“无限”的字符串?




关于如何在没有 的情况下实现这一目标的任何想法possibly_infinite<basic_string<T>>

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php - jquery / WordPress: apply infinite scroll effect to new content loaded via AJAX

So I am trying to use jQuery infinite-scroll plugin in combination with some custom jQuery that loads a new loop from a different PHP file with AJAX. The infinite-scroll works on the initial page content, but I can't get it to work with the newly loaded content. Here's how the AJAX logic works:

  1. click on a category
  2. Get category ID which is stored in the REL attribute
  3. Store that ID as a variable
  4. Pass the variable as an argument to a loop in a different PHP file and load that section of the PHP file

The key pieces of the infinite scroll are that the script can find the following:

  1. the element containing the link pointing to the next page of posts (#pageNav for the initial content and #filterPageNav for the new content)
  2. The link pointing to the next page of posts (#beyondInfinity)
  3. the div containing the posts
  4. the posts themselves

This may be part of the problem. The other problem might be that the $_POST['id'] call isn't being posted correctly to the various pages of the paged category posts: ("../category-filter/page/2", "../category-filter/page/3" etc)

Any insight or help very much appreciated!!!


Before I (or you) answer the question about applying the infinite scroll to the external loop with the category loaded through AJAX category__in'=>array($_POST['id']) it would certainly be easier to answer first assuming a fixed category, for example category__in'=>array(13) instead. So if anyone has any insight or answers to this simplified problem that would also be great!

Here is the JQUERY:

Here is the PHP template For loaded content:

Here's the HTML output of the pagination function (removed the domain name):

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c - 最佳无限循环

while (1) Vs. for (;;) 有速度差异吗?


实现无限循环的更好、更快和更优化的方法 - for(;;) 还是 while(1)?为什么?

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c++ - Stream 使函数永远运行



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php - 递归MySQL查询?

我有一组按层次组织的数据,应该能够增长到任意大小。我需要检索整个树,但我不知道如何仅使用 SQL 来完成。我目前的解决方案是创建一个临时表并使用递归函数来连续查询树的分支,然后将结果存储在临时表中,我随后再次查询以产生我想要的结果。

我的问题是,我所做的本质上是 join 正确吗?构造一个中间表,然后查询结果。似乎应该有一种方法可以通过连接来完成,但 MySQL 文档仅涵盖检索树的部分直到有限深度。有没有办法做到这一点?我在 PHP 中这样做。

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c# - Thread.Sleep(Timeout.Infinite) 性能问题


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c++ - 无穷级数的并行计算

我有一个简短的问题,关于如何加快无限级数的计算。这只是示例之一: arctan(x) = x - x^3/3 + x^5/5 - x^7/7 + ...。

假设您有一些库可以让您处理大数字,那么第一个明显的解决方案是开始添加/减去序列的每个元素,直到达到某个目标 N。

您还可以预先保存 X^n 以便为每个下一个元素而不是计算 x^(n+2) 您可以执行 lastX*(x^2)



编辑:我需要计算从 100k 到 1m 的迭代次数。这是基于 c++ 的应用程序,但我正在寻找抽象解决方案,所以没关系。谢谢您的回复。