问题标签 [high-resolution]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
wpf - Why isn't FormattedText using a custom font in HiDPI?
I am using FormattedText to render text with a custom resource font in WPF, but for some strange reason, the custom font is being ignored in HiDPI mode. The same code is working fine in normal DPI.
Here is a sample of my code, where BasicPoint and BasicColor are generic classes because I'm doing rendering on multiple platforms:
For example, here are the values passed to this method:
This font has been added to the project as a TTF and as a Resource. I usually refer to it successfully in XAML as such:
I remind you that using FormattedText works fine without HiDPI, it is only defaulting to Arial in HiDPI.
Thanks for any help on this one, I've been looking for the solution for a long time!
c++ - 如何使用样式表正确缩放 qgroupbox 标题以进行高分辨率显示?
我正在尝试为 QGroupBox (qt 4.8) 应用样式表,该样式表适用于普通屏幕 (96dpi) 以及高分辨率屏幕 (yoga 2 pro, 3200x1800, 275dpi, windows 8.1)。
以下样式在 275dpi 屏幕上看起来不错,但在常规 96dpi 屏幕上,上边距太大了。
更改上边距会产生效果,但我找不到适用于两个屏幕的正确设置。如果我将值变小,则 groupbox 的内容与 275dpi 屏幕上的标题重叠。我也在玩单位“ex”、“px”、“mx”、“pt”。阅读我会猜到的文档,“2ex”是正确的解决方案,它应该随着不同的屏幕分辨率缩放。
gnuplot - gnuplot scale whole plot
I am using gnuplot and it gives perfect result. It is a great plot on screen (wxt).
I can also set terminal to png jpeg or something. But when I set the size of the plot, I realized that the font, line width, point size, the key..., everything must be changed.
Is there a way of creating a high resolution plot by just scale it? I mean when one preview a 640x480 plot, what command one should use to make it into a high-resolution (1920x1440) plot easily? Or which terminal works?
visual-c++ - Limits of Windows Queue Timers
I am implementing a timer and need it to run every 50 ms or so and would like the resolution to be 1 ms or less. I started by reading these two articles:
Oddly enough they seem to contradict one another. One says queue timers are good for high resolution, the other posts results from a Windows 7 system showing resolution around 15ms (not good enough for my application).
So I ran a test on my system (Win7 64bit i7-4770 CPU @3.4 Ghz). I started at a period of 50ms and this is what I see (time since beginning on left, gap between executions on right; all in ms):
I see that the maximum error is about 100 us and that the average error is probably around 30 us or so. This makes me fairly happy.
So I started dropping the period to see at what point it gets unreliable. I started seeing bad results once I decreased the period <= 5ms.
With a period of 5ms it was not uncommon to see some periods jump between 3 and 6ms every few seconds. If I reduce the period to 1ms periods of 5 to 10 to 40 ms can be seen. I presume that the jumps up to 40ms may be due to the fact that I'm printing stuff to the screen, I dunno.
This is my timer callback code:
Anyways it looks to me as if queue timers are very good tools so long as you're executing at 100hz or slower. Are the bad results posted in the second article I linked to (accuracy of 15ms or so) possibly due to a slower CPU, or a different config?
I'm wondering if I can expect this kind of performance across multiple machines (all as fast or faster than my machine running 64bit Win7)? Also, I noticed that if your callback doesn't exit before the period elapsed, the OS will put another thread in there. This may be obvious, but it didn't stand out to me in any documentation and has significant implications for the client-code.
scale - Mapnik 的高分辨率图像
我使用 Mapnik 2.2.0 使用 Mapnik JNI 从我的 Java 库中呈现地图。这工作正常,没有问题。我现在正试图以高分辨率提供地图。
我将代码中的图像大小从 256x256 更改为 512x512。这导致 Mapnik 更改有效缩放级别,因为比例已更改。例如,当渲染 15/5000/10000 时,我看到一个 512x512 的图像,我的缩放 16 样式。
我想要的是与我的原始 256x256 图像具有相同坐标的图像,具有相同的样式,只有 512x512。
其中 2 应该是我需要的因素。但是它对渲染图像没有任何影响,所以我可能看错了方向。
mfc - 超高分辨率的 MFC 对话框控件
在超高分辨率环境中使用我的应用程序时,我遇到了对话框控件的间距和大小问题。我使用以下代码将控件放置在 for 循环中:
html5-video - 更改 JWPlayer 的 rss 提要中的默认视频质量
从 JWPlayer 账户中的“你的电脑”发布视频后;我得到以下格式的嵌入式代码:
所以,我想知道如何在这个 rss 中将 720p 设置为默认值?或免费帐户(文件托管在 jwplayer 上)不允许这样做?还是有其他方法可以做到这一点?
请注意:我已经用 exampleid 替换了真实的 id 代码
ios - 为什么我的音频 AVCaptureConnection 不适用于最高分辨率格式?
我正在开发一个使用 AVAssetWriter 和 AVAssetWriterInput 将音频和视频录制到文件的 iOS 项目。当视频分辨率限制为 720x1280 时,一切似乎都正常。我现在正在尝试利用 AVCaptureDeviceFormats 在较新的 iOS 设备上获得更高的分辨率。
使用设备上可用的任何 AVCaptureDeviceFormats 视频继续正常工作。 但是,音频不起作用。
我已经将此追踪到我的音频 AVCaptureConnection的active
- 为什么音频 AVCaptureConnection 对较低分辨率格式有效,但对最高分辨率格式无效?
- 视频分辨率设置为最高时是否可以录制音频?如果是这样,怎么做?
iPhone6 后置摄像头上的最高分辨率 AVCaptureFormats:
- 720x1280, 30 FPS(音频连接激活)
- 720x1280, 240 FPS(音频连接激活)
- 1080x1920, 30 FPS(音频连接激活)
- 1080x1920, 60 FPS(音频连接激活)
- 1936x2592, 30 FPS (音频连接未激活)
- 2448x3264, 30 FPS (音频连接未激活)
iPhone6 前置摄像头上的最高分辨率 AVCaptureFormats:
- 720x1280, 60 FPS(音频连接激活)
- 960x1280, 60 FPS (音频连接未激活)
compression - 在 webp 中使用 vips 压缩大分辨率文件
我想使用 webp 格式的 vips 压缩大分辨率文件,我可以用 jpeg 格式做同样的事情,但我想要 webp 格式。
vips jpegsave tobecompressedpdf2.jpeg output.webp --Q=60
vips webpsave tobecompressedpdf2.jpeg output.webp --Q=60
我尝试使用 webp 的方式相同,但它显示错误:Unable to encode
html - 在一个页面上加载多个高分辨率图像的最有效方法是什么?
我正在建立一个网站,其中包含不同摄影师的摄影部分。我想要与 Vice 文章相同的风格,所有图像都在一个屏幕上——没有滑块或 jQuery 插件,一个接一个。加载它们甚至压缩它们以保持质量但减小尺寸的最佳方法是什么?