问题标签 [global-namespace]

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c++ - c++ global namespace compile problems

I'm using a specific toolchain (the one that comes with the BlackBerry Playbook NDK). I think it's based on GCC 4.4.2. When I try compiling certain libraries with this toolchain, I run into strange issues with what I think is c++ global namespace stuff. For example, I'll get errors like:

I never get these errors when linking against the GNU c++ standard library. However, the Playbook NDK uses the Dinkumware C++ libs by default and I always have to go through each error and usually add in the C equivalent (stdio.h in this case). For reasons beyond my control, I can't link to the GNU c++ standard library, which doesn't exhibit any of these problems.

If I'm trying to compile a bigger project, I can get hundreds of these errors. Is there a workaround that doesn't involve editing the source? In the above example, the file would usually include "cstdio" as a header, but that declares sprintf under the 'std' namespace. So the only options I have are to include the C header or add the std namespace.

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c# - 如何在我的视图中使用带有 using 指令的 C# 全局命名空间运算符?

我在 asp.net mvc 中的视图有些问题。我的 using 指令的命名空间与视图的命名空间发生冲突,导致我的 Razor 生成的类出现编译错误。我对 @model 指令有同样的问题,但使用 global:: 别名修复了它。出于某种原因,对我的 @using 执行相同操作会导致“找不到类型或命名空间‘全局’...”错误。这是我现在所拥有的:


但上述错误不断发生。在视图中的 using 指令中使用 global 是否有任何技巧,或者是否有不允许的原因?

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postgresql - PostgreSQL 的 plperlu 解释器的 @INC 和/或缓存库:为不同的数据库分开?

我正在开发一些库的不同版本,并且希望从我编写的各种 plperl 函数中加载基于current_database().

(IIRC 使用use而不是require首选,我认为是因为它可能会缓存库?)


1)use lib然后use-- 如果不止一条路径卡在@INC 上,它可能不是正确的被使用的路径

2)require--即使这意味着在当前脚本中总是使用正确的,这是否意味着每次都重新加载库?无论哪种方式,如果库在使用后保持加载,是否有可能来自不同版本的命名空间污染可能导致错误?(例如,如果我有一些基于是否定义变量的分支,并且在一个版本中它是默认的,而在另一个版本中它不是 - 所有版本现在都会像它一样,除非我明确地取消定义它而不仅仅是没有定义它?)

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php - 从命名空间调用 php 函数

从我无法理解的命名空间调用一些 php 函数时,我似乎发现了一个错误:

Php 说:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_UNSET, expecting T_STRING in global_namespace.php on line 7 甚至不起作用,并且try...catch仅针对全局函数isset()unset()


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namespaces - 是否可以强制 T4 运行时模板的底层类没有命名空间?

我有一个 T4 运行时模板,我希望这个模板的底层类没有指定命名空间(即在全局命名空间中)。


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namespaces - 带有 Composer 的 PHP ImageWorkshop 包失败

所以很奇怪的问题。我最近才开始在 PHP 5.3+ 中使用自动加载,当然,这不可避免地导致了 composer。

我用composer做了一个非常简单的安装,只有一个包,php Image Workshop。

除了我自己的自动加载器,我还启动了 vendor/autoload.php



imageCreateFromJPEG 应该已经在全局命名空间中,但是类中的代码没有以'\'作为前缀。


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javascript - 带有 RequireJS 的 glMatrix 2.2.0

当 RequireJS 包含在内时,glMatrix 2.2.0 的所有定义似乎都未定义。但是,在页面检查中,它作为脚本标记包含在 HTML 中。

但是,相同的设置确实适用于 glMatrix 1.3.7


main.js 看起来像(jquery 在这种情况下工作):


尽管在 HTML 中定义脚本是可行的,但我更希望它与 RequireJS 一起工作以实现最小化/连接。



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python - python:NameError:未定义全局名称'...'


然后编译器会说“NameError: global name a() is not defined”。如果我把所有的东西都从A类中拉出来,那是没有问题的,但是如何在A类中定义方法呢?非常感谢。

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wcf - contains definition for __ in multiple code generated files

I just can't get a handle on how to correct this one. It cropped up about a week ago, and I don't know what change I made could have caused this. We use SVN and I rolled back changes I made of possible culprits of these errors but I am still getting the following errors when I build my asp.net webforms project:

These two errors are repeated 5 times (10 errors total) and the source files are code generated for the loads of webservices we have in the project.

The file names are App_Code.34kjg234jh1.cs (made up, but you get the idea) and at the top of each one it tells me where it is being generated from:

If I go into the .wsdl definition I believe they do all live in the same namespace based off of this line: (Note, I am not a .wsdl wiz, so tell me if I am wrong)

This is an application inherited from our prior developer (its a one developer shop here, so I usually get to poke around in the dark) so I don't know why we have about 7 different web services in the application, all with that namespace definition and ALL with the offending 'TrxStatus' and 'MessageStatusType'.

I don't want to change the namespaces, because it is the right namespace (I believe), but I also need this conflict to go away. I am not sure which direction to go.

I attempted to go into one of the .wsdl files and change TrxStatus to TrxStatus_Whatever but that gave me this error:

Another possible clue is I am getting a ton warnings from the various web services that say something like this:

Any suggestions on possible solutions to this? What is the root cause? Please don't tell me I need to re-write all these services....

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c++ - 为什么大学计算机科学课程提倡“使用命名空间标准”?

到目前为止,我已经上了两门 C++ 课程,每一门在不同的学校,他们都使用了“使用命名空间标准;” 教授基本编程。这可能是一个巧合,但我不得不竭尽全力发现这样做不是一个好习惯。